Tanawwu’ Żarfi al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah fī al-Kitāb al-Madrasi Li al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah bi al-Madrasah al-Tsānawiyyah

  • Zilva Raihan Nazir Ali Alfathimy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mad Ali Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: adverbs, arabic language, syntactic behavior


This study analyzes the adverbs contained in the Arabic Language Lesson Textbook for Class XII Language Program High School, written by Darsono and Surur Abdul Jalal published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, 2011. The purpose of this study was to obtain a variety of Arabic adverbials in sentences. Arabic in the book, which is examined in terms of form, syntactic behavior, and writing errors. This is done, because many students experience errors in writing Arabic adverbs, even though they will become teachers and writers of teaching materials or textbooks. The author is concerned that this weakness appears in existing textbooks. So the author conducted a study of the text book. the method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Using content analysis techniques, and purposive sampling, the author found that there were 146 sentences containing adverbials in the book. Based on the Arabic adverbial concept proposed by Izzuddin, Muhammad (2005, p.59), which consists of jar-majrur, zharaf (maf'ul fih), maf'ul muthlaq, hal, and clauses. In terms of syntactic behavior in the form of i'rab and its position in the sentence structure, the entire adverbial is read as manshub because it is an element of 'umdah, except for the jar-majrur form, and its position is loose, but in general it is at the end of the sentence. The errors that appear are more in the imla aspect (writing hamzah qatha 'and hamzah washal) in addition to morphological and i'rab errors.
