International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
<p><a href="">http://</a><a title="International Conference of Arabic Languange" href=""></a></p>Department of Arabic Language Educationen-USInternational Conference on Arabic Language and Literature 2809-364XDemotivation of Pesantren-based Madrasah Students in Takallum al-‘Arabiyyah
<p><em>Motivation is a key factor to language learning success. On the other hand, demotivation will hinder the process and success of learning and mastering Arabic. By finding factors that can trigger demotivation, teachers and students can avoid demotivation and can motivate students appropriately. This study aims to determine the factors that cause students' demotivation in speaking Arabic at the Karawang Islamic boarding school-based madrasah by involving 100 students of 9th -grade of Madrasah Tsanawiyah. To explore this demotivating phenomenon, the researcher used mixed methods at the data collection stage, then analyzed the data using qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that among the factors that cause demotivation are; 1) teachers, 2) textbooks, 3) friends, and Arabic language learning environment. In addition, new things were found from the perspective of this pesantren-based madrasah student, namely the context of the pesantren tradition which was a factor in the occurrence of students' demotivation in mastering Arabic. Madrasah students who are also santri in Islamic boarding schools are accustomed and comfortable with patterns of learning Arabic in Islamic boarding schools such as lalaran, ngalogat, sorogan, and bandongan. When students accept different madrasah learning patterns, they feel uncomfortable and it’s causing demotivation</em><em>.</em></p>Selma Meila PuspitaNunung Nursyamsiyah
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29113Analyzing Arabic Discourse Markers Through the Lens of Aljazeera’s Instagram Caption
<p><em>In recent decades, there has been growing interest at discourse markers (DMs) to improve the quality of writing and increase the comprehension of text. Despite the existence of many studies into Arabic DMs, little work reports the investigation of Arabic DMs diversity in accordance with the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) approach selected in social media. To plug this gap, this present study investigates Arabic DMs diversity through the lens of aljazeera Instagram caption. This qualitative study employed theory of Fraser (2005)- and Khairudin, Noor & Rohman (2020) as the main framework of the study for the data analysis process. Findings show that there are top three of elaborative DMs on Aljazeera’s captions namely wa (148), adhâfa (14), haisu (8). And lâkin, fîma, and filmaqâbil as a top three of contrastive DMs. Inferential DMs has bidzâlika, wa bidzâlika and wa bidzâlika bi sababin. Besides ba’da/wa ba’da, ‘indamâ and wa ba’damâ as a temporal DMs on Aljazeera. Additionally, affirmative DMs as a new category also found in this study. Out of a total of 90 captions, Aljazeera used more elaborate DMs with 69,3 % than other categories.</em> <em>The major reason for the high frequency of EDMs is the high frequency of DMs wa. </em></p>Ulfa Febriyanti
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-291421 Arabic Teacher Website as a Learning Media During the Covid-19 Pandemic Hots, Mots or Lots
<p><em>Implementation of Arabic learning during the Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) pandemic caused the instructional process of learning which was initially offline or face-to-face to become an online method (in a network). This is because it is feared that it will spread the transmission of the corona virus. Along with the times, technology has also developed as a sophisticated anticipation in carrying out the during method. Arabic taecher as a modern technology media based on e-learning websites that can help students and Arabic learners in applying Arabic language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This media is equipped with materials according to the level of education (elementary, secondary and advanced levels). This media also contains features and main menus including: reading, stories, grammar, structural, dictation, songs and games, a questionnaire equipped with e-books, MP3s and videos. This study aims to a) analyze the process of learning Arabic in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic using the Arabic Teacher Learning Cross media held at STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan and; b) classifying the use of Arabic Teacher Learning media into the HOTS, MOTS or LOTS categories in learning Arabic, especially in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The type of research used is this study using a qualitative research design using case study research methods aimed at looking at the subject holistically through descriptions to obtain detailed information about the use of Arabic teachers at STAI Auliaurrasyidin Tembilahan. The data analysis technique used is the Hubbermans model technique, data is collected and described, then reduced and verified in detail. The results of the study show that learning Arabic using Arabic Teacher E learning has met the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) learning standards with indications; a) students have been able to reiterate Arabic sentences heard by the Arabic Teacher and are able to identify Arabic sentences in the Arabic Teacher; b) students are able to explain the meaning of sentences and are able to distinguish between adad and ma'dud rules contained in Arabic Teacher Learning; c) students are able to demonstrate their daily activities after watching learning videos in Arabic Teacher Learning; d) students are able to solve problems that exist in each character in Learning. This media also demands creativity and innovation of students in understanding and digging information about sound, vocabulary, sentence structure and balancing students' intelligence with a combination of audio lingual and visual techniques. The material provided according to the level of education makes it easier for students to understand the content and content of the material. Materials with various games and songs are also able to balance students' Arabic skills during the covid-19 pandemic</em><em>. This Arabic teacher learning media can also require students to be able to innovate, evaluate independently and stimulate students to create modern models and media for technology-based Arabic learning.</em></p>Husnatul Hamidiyyah SiregarHumairatuz Zahrah
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-292230Evaluation of Arabic Language Skills in Kanzul Lughah Arabic Course Pare Kediri
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe the objectives of learning Arabic language skills, the types and forms of tests for each Arabic language skills, and the implementation time for evaluating Arabic language skills at the Kanzul Lughah Arabic course. The data from this research are in the form of questionnaire results and interview results. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires to two Arabic language teachers at the Kanzul Lughah course institute and conducting interviews. The results of this study are evaluation of Arabic language skills in accordance with the objectives of learning Arabic language skills, types and forms of tests, namely written tests and oral tests, and evaluation of Arabic language skills are carried out routinely with different details of time.</em></p>Binti KhoiriyahSyihabuddin
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-293136Wordwall: a Digital Game Application to Increase the Interest of Rabbaanii Junior High School’s Students in Learning Arabic Vocabulary
<p><em>Government policies related to online learning activities since the pandemic have caused changes in the teaching methods used in learning Arabic. Online learning is in line with the spirit of E-Learning in the 4.0 era as it is today. However, in its application there are several obstacles, especially the decline in student interest in learning. One way that can be used to increase student interest in learning is to use the Wordwall application. Wordwall application is an online learning media featuring games, quizzes, discussions, and surveys. This article will examine the use of the Wordwall application as a medium to increase students' interest in learning Arabic vocabulary. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that with the Wordwall application learning became interactive, easy, fun and helped students understand Arabic vocabulary. In addition, game-based learning with the Wordwall application is perfect for beginners to learn Arabic.</em></p>Fahmi Yahya Abdil HaqSyihabuddinMaman AbdurahmanRinaldi Supriadi
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-293747Conflict Mitigation Strategies Between Employer and Indonesian Workers in Saudi Arabia
<p><em>This study investigates the strategies used by the Consular Functions Officer of the Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh in resolving conflicts between employers and Indonesian workers. Data is collected directly from recorded conversations by phone between the Consular Function Officer, the Indonesian Worker and the employer. The method used in collecting this data is refer to the free-engagement technique, recording technique and note-taking technique. So, the data that has been collected is transcribed and transliterated by the author. In the analysis, what the author focuses on is all requesting utterances which are indicated as a form of mitigation to solve a problem. There are 10 speech acts of requesting which is a form of mitigation. These forms are realized in two forms, interrogative which consist of 7 data and declarative consist of 3 data. Judging from the strategy, the mitigation carried out by the Consular Function Officer in the data includes four strategies: indirectness, affirmation, immediacy and hedge with two application patterns, single pattern and combination pattern. In addition, there is also a politeness scale principle used which includes a benefit scale, an option scale, an indirectness scale and a social distance scale.</em></p>Afnan Arummi
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-294854Istiksyāfu Al-mumārasāti Al-‘ākisati Li Mu‘allimī Al-‘arabīyyati ka Lugatin Ajnabīyyatin wa Al-taḥdīyati fī Indūnīsiyā
<p><em>This paper explores AFL teachers' attitudes, practices, and reflection issues in the classroom. In this study, qualitative research methodologies were used to collect and analyze data. Six AFL Islamic Junior High School teachers in Indonesia provided data via observation, semi-structured interview, focused group discussion, and documentation. The findings reveal that AFL teachers saw reflective practice as largely an evaluative process for their teaching careers. They all feel that reflective practice is one of the qualities of an excellent teacher and that it can help them enhance their teaching skills. The majority of their remarks were descriptive and dialogic in nature. The AFL teachers highlighted teaching burden and a lack of awareness of reflective practice as barriers to reflection.</em></p>Frida Akmalia
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-295569Al-Ajrumiyyah Learning by Using Mnemonic Strategies
<p><em>Learning Arabic without the knowledge of nahwu cannot be understood. Al-Ajrumiyyah book is one of the books used in studying Arabic grammar (Gunawan et al, 2018: 237). In order to make learning more interesting and easier for students, teachers need to be more creative and innovative in determining learning strategies, one of which is mnemonics. So in writing this article, it is to explain the various techniques contained in mnemonic strategies that can be used in al-Ajrumiyyah learning. The method used is a literature review. With this strategy, it is hoped that al-Ajrumiyyah supporting teachers can create more interesting learning activities and increase students' motivation in learning. Then, this study can be used as a reference for other researchers to carry out further research.</em></p>Aizzatin Habibah
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-297078Taḥlīlu ‘Anwā‘i al-Ma‘ājimi al-‘Arabiyyati: Mazāyā wa Salbiyyātun fi Ta‘allumi al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyati li Gairi al-Nātiqīna bihā
<p><em>The dictionary is the one of learning media that already made from long time. In the study of the Arabic language, a dictionary would be very useful or, in fact, needed. The dictionary tends to be the most preferred tools by language learners, especially when looking up the meaning of words, grammar, or context of word use in the target language. In the Arabic dictionary development, the dictionary has undergone several stages of change on modern days, either in the form of preparation and writing methodology. On the basis, this study is an attempt to search for answers to formulate the problem about the advantages and disadvantages of learning an Arabic from many types of Arabic language dictionaries that has been developed so far, starting with ownership and use, as well as the reasons and obstacles in their use. The problem with this research is that there are too many types of dictionaries available these days and it is confusing for non-native speaker learner which one is more suitable for learning Arabic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of Arabic language dictionaries and find out the advantages and disadvantages for learning Arabic. Data collection method that the author uses is the method of observation and book analysis. After obtaining the data, the authors analyzed the data by combining the theory of</em> <em>types of Arabic dictionaries in chapter B with the reality of Advantages and Disadvantages on the ground that was written in chapter C.</em></p>Bagusradityo Aryobimo
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-297993The Corpus of Language, Literature, and Arts: Design and Construction
<p><em>This study examined the design and construction of the corpus of language, literature, and art at the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. The materials compiled were theses from the Department of Indonesian Literature, English Literature, Arabic Literature, German Literature, and Art and Design. The study aimed to (1) design and develop the language, literature, and art corpus of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang and (2) describe the results of the feasibility test for the corpus of language, literature, and art of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. This study employed a Research and Development design. The development model used in this study was the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluations) research model developed by Reiser and Molenda. The research stages carried out based on the ADDIE research model are Analysis Stage, Design Stage, Development Stage, Trial Stage, and Evaluation Stage. The results showed several stages in designing and developing the language, literature, and art corpus of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The feasibility test for the language, literature, and art corpus of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, showed valid results with a value of 91%. This means that the web corpus developed is feasible to use.</em></p>Mohammad AhsanuddinYazid BasthomiYusuf HanafiEdy HidayatFebri TaufiqurrohmanMuhammad Nurwiseso Wibisono
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-2994115Learning Arabic by Using Misk Application in the Pandemic Era of Covid-19
<p><em>The learning system that very intensively being carried out at this time is learning using electronic-based media where the use of technology in this era continues to advance and develop, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to find out how to use technology in the Arabic learning process and to find out the advantages and disadvantages of its application. On this occasion, the researcher chose the MiSK application, which is an Arabic language learning application on android based on a game, equipped with Arabic vocabulary, images and audio, which was designed by one of the lecturers from Istanbul 29 Mayis University. This study uses an evaluative method with a qualitative approach, which produces data in the form of how to apply the MiSK application and also describes the advantages and disadvantages of learning Arabic using the MiSK application. The researchers hope that the results of this study can provide teachers with additional information and input to improve the use of technology in the online teaching process, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, making the teaching process more interesting and effective.</em></p>Muhammad Rizal
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29116125Content Validity Analysis of Arabic School Examination at SMP IT Permata Hati Banjarnegara
<p><em>Questions are one of the instruments to measure the success of learning. Questions as an evaluation tool must meet the characteristics of a good question, which must be valid. One way to find out whether the questions are valid or not is by analyzing the content validity of the questions. So far, at SMP IT Permata Hati Banjarnegara in making Middle Semester Assessment (PTS) questions, Final Semester Assessment (PAS) or School Examinations (US), especially Arabic subjects have never analyzed the validity of the content of the questions related to the suitability of the questions with the existing syllabus in the curriculum 2013. This study aims to determine the validity of the content of the Arabic language school exam questions at SMP IT Peramata Hati Banjarnegara in the 2020/2021 academic year. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of the rational analysis of content validity, it can be concluded that the content validity of the school exam questions made by the Arabic language teacher has been fulfilled. School Exam Questions consist of 9 basic competencies (KD) with a description of 3 KD from class VII, 3 KD from class VIII and 3 KD from class IX. The number of questions consists of 40 multiple choice questions and 5 essays. The composition of the questions consists of 12 questions (27%) from class VII, 14 questions (31%) from class VIII and 19 questions (42%) from class IX</em><em>.</em></p>Rizal Nur RochmanMaman AbdurrahmanMad Ali
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29126133The Use of Media Learning Quizizz in Vocabulary Arabic Language
<p><em>I</em><em>n the modern era today, learning varies greatly, in addition to using the right learning method, good media can be very helpful in the learning process. Quizizz Media itself is an educational game application that is narrative and flexible. The use of this media aims to improve the vocabulary ability of students whose is due to the vocabulary in learning the Arabic language. vocabulary in learning the Arabic language is the most important thing because learning begins with vocabulary. In fact, there are still many students who have difficulty memorizing vocabulary. This is due to the absence of media that does not support students to memorize vocabulary in learning Arabic. This research uses a qualitative approach. The type of research is case studies research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. From the results of using Quizziz media, it can be concluded that: Quizziz learning media can improve memorized vocabulary in Arabic learning.</em></p>Vina Rinzani FauziaNunung NursyamsiahAsep Sopian
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29134139Taqyīmu Mahārati al-Kalāmi bi Istikhdāmi Ṭarīqati al-Muḥādaṡati fī Ma’hadi al-Iḥyāi Sūbānj
<p><em>This research is motivated by the number of students who have difficulty in speaking and memorizing Arabic vocabulary caused by the learning and teaching techniques used by teachers are not in accordance with the objectives of learning Arabic, especially in improving students' speaking skills in Arabic lessons. This study uses a cycle system, namely 1) planning, 2) implementation 3) observation and 4) reflection. And the results of this study indicate that students' speaking skills in Arabic are quite good from all aspects, and have increased by using muhadatsah method. This study aims to improve students' speaking skills, especially in Arabic lessons and the use of muhadatsah method to make it easier for students to read Arabic sentences with certain themes and titles. After using this method in learning Arabic,</em> <em>there were significant differences in the average in the pretest and post-test result. The average score of pretest is 64,2% and the average score after post-test is 83,3%. This result shows the significant differences in learning Arabic using muhadatsah method to improve students’ speaking skill in Arabic lesson.</em></p>Ika Mahmudah
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29140148Peer Assisted Virtual Learning (PAVL) to Improve Understanding of Arabic Text in Online Learning
<p><em>Understanding Arabic texts for beginners is a problem in learning Arabic. This study aims to describe the process of Peer Assisted Virtual Learning (PVAL) to help understand Arabic text in online learning and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. This research is a pre-experimental research with a one-shot case study model conducted on students of the Arabic Language Development Program (PPBA) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in semester 2. The data collection method uses observation, questionnaires, and tests. PAVL is an implementation of peer tutor learning which is carried out virtually. In this activity, the implementation uses the zoom meeting application, which is then in the breakout room into small groups to discuss issues related to the text. The teacher supervises the process by joining the room but does not enter into a discussion atmosphere. After each group finished presenting the results of their understanding, the results of the presentation showed that if it was done independently, there were many mistakes in understanding the meaning of vocabulary, but if it was done with virtual peer tutoring, the results would be better. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that learning with the PVAL method is very helpful in overcoming the problem of learning difficulties and understanding Arabic texts online, with a significance value of 0.000 0.05 and an average increase in value from pretest to posttest of 10. %, which means this method helps to improve the ability to memorize Arabic texts in online learning.</em></p>Lailatul MauludiyahAnindita Hartono Putri
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29149157Jam’u Taksir Translation Strategy in Al-Quran Juz 30
<p><em>Differences in grammatical structure between Arabic as the source language and Indonesian as well as Sundanese as the target language requires translator to determine the appropriate translation strategy to create a more natural translation result that can be easily understood by the native speaker of the target language. In Arabic, there is a form of word called jamak taksir. jamak taksir are Arabic words that have many patterns and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between pattern of these word and others because the pattern of jamak taksir is similar to other patterns such as mashdar or isim fail. In this study, the researcher examined the translation strategy used to translate jamak taksir of the Quran juz 30 in the Indonesian translation Quran by Kemenag RI and Sundanese translation Quran by Al Amin. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach with an embedded research method. The result showed that in both of the Quran translations, there are several techniques used to translate jamak taksir. Those are: literal, description, general equivalence, transposition, and adaptation translation. While the most frequently used technique in the two Quran translations is a literal translation technique, which indicates that the translations highly emphasized on the source language.</em></p>Nisa Awaliatul FaoziahMohamad Zaka Al FarisiMaman Abdurrahman
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29158166Tahlīlu al-Madārisi an-Naḥwiyyati fī Kitābi al-Jurūmiyyati li Abī ‘Abdillāh Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Dāwud Al-Sanhajī
<p><em>In the rules of Nahwu, there are differences in Madrasa as there are in other sciences. However, there are not many scientific studies that discuss differences in this Madrasa Nahwu, especially in relation to textbooks and learning. Therefore, the author views the analysis of Madrasa Nahwu in this textbook as important to discuss. And in this case the author analyzes a book that is often used as a guide for teaching materials in many Islamic boarding schools, one of which is the Albarokah Islamic Boarding School in Bandung, namely the Jurumiyah book. The method used is qualitative method with a literature study approach because the data generated is in the form of words. The purpose of this study was to find out the various Madrasa Nahwu used in the Jurumiyyah book. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Jurumiyyah book is based on the Madrasa Kuffa. This is indicated by the contents of the Jurumiyyah book which are in accordance with the Madrasa Kuffa and many differences with the Madrasa Basra, including the chapter af'al (mabni fi'il amr, rofa' fi'il mudhari, 'amil nawashib-lam juhud and hatta</em><em>),</em><em> chapters Istitsna' and Munada'. </em></p>NurlatifahMaman AbdurrahmanAsep Sopian
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29167176Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Conversation Alumni Boarding School of Riyadlul 'Ulum Wadda'wah
<p><em>This study aims to determine the types of code switching, forms and types of code mixing and the factors of using code switching and code mixing in the conversations of the alumni at Riyadlul 'Ulum Wadda'wah Islamic Boarding School. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection in the form of tapping, recording and note-taking techniques. The results obtained from this study are the type of code switching in the form of external code switching, namely the transition from Sundanese to Arabic and otherwise. The factor of the occurrence of code switching here is the adjustment of the speaker's code to the interlocutor. While the code mixing found included code mixing in the form of 14 words, code mixing in the form of reduplication as much as 1 reduplication, code mixing in the form of phrases as many as 4 phrases, code mixing in the form of idioms as much as 1 idiom and code mixing in the form of clause as much as 1 clause. There are types of internal code mixing, namely from Indonesian into Sundanese and external code mixing, namely from Arabic into Sundanese. The dominant code-mixing factor is due to habit.</em></p>Rinaldi SupriadiNamira Salma Fauzia
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29177187Tahlīlu al-Qudrati ‘ala Fahmi al-Maqrūi Li an-Nuṣūṣi al-‘Arabiyyati ladai Ṭullabi al-Faṣli as-Sābi’i bi al-Madrasati aṡ-Ṡānawiyyati al-‘Ināyah Bāndūnj
<p><em>This research is motivated by a problem that occurred in seventh grade students at MTs Al-Inayah Bandung which was related to the lack of reading comprehension of Arabic texts in students. This research aims to (1) determine the ability to read comprehension of Arabic texts in seventh grade students at MTs Al-Inayah Bandung, (2) determine the factors that influenced the reading comprehension of Arabic texts for students, (3) know what efforts are made to overcome difficulties of the students in understanding Arabic texts. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis method, with a qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection in this study was carried out by (1) observation, (2) interviews, (3) tests, and (4) documentation. Participants in this study were Arabic teacher and twenty six students in seventh grade. The results showed that (1) the reading comprehension ability of seventh grade students at MTs Al-Inayah Bandung obtained an average score of 79 with good category, (2) the factors that influenced students in reading comprehension of Arabic text included: teacher, learning methods, motivation, interests, background, experience, lessons, text structure of reading and vocabulary, (3) the efforts to overcome difficulties of students' reading comprehension by the teacher are to provide motivation to students, provide examples of reading text repeatedly until students understand very well so that students are able to answer the questions given, provide additional learning for students who are less or students who have difficulty, provide rewards and good grades, improve students' vocabulary mastery and form study groups.</em></p>Salma Nur FauziahMaman AbdurahmanNunung Nursyamsiah
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29188201Urgency of Usul Nahwi Course
<p><em>This article aims to see the urgency of studying Ushul Nawi according to Arabic Language Education students who have studied Ushul Nahwi as a subject in lectures. We choose students who have studied so that the participants understand Ushul Nahwi so that they can give a more accurate perspective. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data collection using interviews. The results we found were three benefits that were felt after learning Ushul nahwi, namely 1. Knowing the history and origin of nahwu, 2. Knowing the currents in nahwu, and 3. Knowing the methods used in determining nahwu law. Whereas the participant Ushul Nahwi is important to learn for teachers or prospective Arabic teachers, while for students there is an opinion that says it is important for reasons that can make students' thoughts and opinions not absolute to one opinion and make students more open, while some say it is not important because can confuse students with differences.</em></p>Yunita Laila ZulfaMaman AbdurrahmanAsep Sopian
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29202206Evaluation of Students Writing Skills Using CIPP model in Arabic Learning: The Concept and its Implementation
<p><em>This study was aimed to explore the concept and its implementation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model in Arabic learning in schools. This study used a descriptive qualitative method by investigating the implementation of the CIPP model in Arabic learning, especially in writing skills (Mahārah al-Kitabah). The researcher also used a literature approach and statements from several experts to support the results of this study. In this study, the researcher concluded that the CIPP model was an appropriate evaluation model to be implemented in evaluating the learning outcomes in writing skills. It is because CIPP covers the dimensions of context, input, process and product when compared with other evaluation models. </em></p>Anwar SanusiDeni MaulanaRipaldi Sabarno
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29207214A Virtual Think-Pair-Share Strategy for Teaching Arabic Language During Covid-19 Pandemic
<p><em>One of the factors that influence the success of learning is the strategy used. The COVID-19 pandemic requires teachers to innovate strategies that can be used in online learning. The purpose of this study is to explain the think-pair-share (TPS) strategy and its implementation in online Arabic learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with library research method. Sources of data in this study are various literature books, journals, scientific works, as well as other documents in both physical and digital form that examine the TPS strategy. Data analysis technique used in this research is data analysis technique, according to Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman which consists of 4 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this study are various forms of TPS strategies that can be used in learning Arabic and the implementation steps according to the objectives of each form of TPS strategy activities.</em></p>Amami Shofiya Al QorinNur Afifatul GolimahMohammad Ahsanuddin
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2022-01-122022-01-12215223Internalization of Higher Order Thinking Skill Language Test at SMPIT Mutiara Hikmah
<p><em>One of the efforts to improve the quality of learning is to conduct an evaluation based on Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots). However, in Indonesia, teachers do not have sufficient insight into HOTS-based evaluation, especially in learning Arabic. This study aims to analyze the questions of the Arabic Middle Semester Examination at SMPIT Mutiara Hikmah in class VIII based on the HOTS criteria. The method used is descriptive qualitative with content analysis research design. The results of this study indicate that of the 40 questions for the Middle Semester Examination of Arabic class VIII, there are 18 questions (45%) at the C1 (remembering) level, 4 questions (10%) at the C2 level (understanding), 12 questions (30%) at the C3 (applying) and 6 questions (15%) at the C4 (analyzing) level. This proves that the Arabic Middle Semester Examinations for class VIII at SMPIT Mutiara Hikmah are still lacking in meeting the criteria for HOTS questions at level C4 (analyzing), level C5 (assessing) and level C6 (creating). So it is necessary to hold training for teachers regarding HOTS-based learning and evaluation.</em></p>Tsara Aliya SalsabilaSyihabuddinMad Ali
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2022-01-122022-01-12224233Changes in the Pattern (Wazan) Of The Rajaz Bahar Contained in the Idātu Al-Dujunnah Text
<p><em>The Idhaatu Al Dujunnah Manuscript is a copy of which is stored in the Indonesian National Library. Written by Sheikh Ahmad Fakir Al Makkari and copied by Ahmad Aceh. This manuscript is in the form of Nadzom or verses of poetry with one pattern, namely Bahar Rajaz. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in wazan bahar rajaz in the Nadzam verses in the Idaatu </em><em></em><em>Al-Dujunnah manuscript using the Ilm Arudhi approach. The method used in this study is qualitative and described descriptively. The results of this study indicate that changes in the shape of the pattern in the verses of poetry (nadzom) with wazan bahar rajaz in the Idhaatu Al Dujunnah Manuscript are contained in three elements, namely in terms of arudh, dharab and haswu. Changes occurred variedly in each verse of poetry which was dominated by zihaf khaban, ilat qatha, zihaf qatha, and zihaf syakal at the end of the arudhi stanza. Changes can be seen after the verses of the poem are taqthi (cut off) following the rules of Ilm Arudhi.</em></p>Yanti ApriliyantiAsep Sopian
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2022-01-122022-01-12234250Problematics of Character-Based Arabic Learning During Pandemic Time at Boarding School Assyifa Subang
<p><em>A necessity in learning there is a process of interaction between teachers and students. Usually, this interaction is done face-to-face, but during the current covid-19 pandemic, interactions between teachers and students are conducted online in almost all schools. This raises several problems faced by teachers and students, especially in character-based Arabic learning in high school. This research aims to examine and provide solutions related to the problems of learning Arabic at the As-Syifa Boarding School Subang High School. The subjects of this study were teachers and students of the As-Syifa Boarding School Subang High School. Observation, interviews, and documentation collected data. The data analysis used is data display, data reduction, and triangulation. The study results explain that the problem of language aspects is caused by aspects of semantics, phonology, and grammar. As for the non-language aspect, it is caused by internal and external factors of students, especially technological factors that do not support learning, and devices are more widely used by students, not for knowledge but are used for playing games, using TikTok applications, etc., lack of motivation and confidence. The solutions include increasing the components and implementation of learning, strengthening motivation, self-confidence, and fostering good student character.</em></p>Asep SopianRinaldi Supriadi
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29251265The Use of Quizizz Web Tool to Support Writing Skills in Arabic
<p><em>The use of multimedia technology as an Arabic learning medium is an alternative to help overcome students' learning problems, because by using web technology, namely Quizizz, students are able to learn Arabic independently, more easily, comfortably, and learn according to their abilities. But in facts, the technology has not been used optimally so that researchers are interested in conducting research. This study aims to determine students' interest in learning Arabic in the Maharoh Kitabah. This research used a field study research that gets its data source from collecting data from schools by recording data from school documents. The research data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques, which were then analyzed qualitatively using descriptive methods. The results showed that using Quizizz multimedia improved the proficiency of the Arabic book with the web application. This conclusion is the use of Quizizz multimedia can be used in the development of technology in learning Arabic. Quizizz-based learning media in Arabic learning is appropriate to be used as a learning medium. And this learning media is considered capable of increasing student interest and learning value.</em></p>Adliyatul Hikmah GustiantiNunung NursyamsiahAsep Sopian
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29266274Tahlīlu Naẓariyyati at-Ta’allumi al-Khāṣati Piaget wa Taṭbīquhā fī Ta’allumi al-Imlāi fī Madrasati Aṡ-Ṡanawiyyati Insān Muliā
<p>Writing Imla 'is one of the Arabic writing skills, this skill is very important to master. The phenomenon that occurs in class IX of SMPIT Insan Mulia Boarding School is still many who have not been able to write IMLA, as a solution to these problems, the researchers provided innovations by applying Piaget's learning theory. This study aims to improve the quality of Imla' learning through the application of Piaget's learning theory in class IX of SMPIT Insan Mulia Boardhing School. This research is a classroom action research. The research subjects were 38 students of class IX at SMPIT Insan Mulia Boardhing School. This study uses a qualitative and qualitative approach. The results show that there is an improvement in the writing skills of class IX students at SMPIT Insan Mulia Boardhing School through the application of Piaget's learning theory. The increase is seen from the change in student scores from the cycle carried out. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the ability of class IX students in writing Imla 'through the application of Piaget's learning theory</p>Ahad Hilman Fattaya
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29275280The Implementation of Learning Hijaiyah Letters for Deaf Children (Case Study in Class V SLB-B Sumbersari)
<p><em>As Muslim reading the holy al-Quran </em><em>is</em><em> the important thing. Although with the shortcomings and limitations that have not prevented someone to learn the hijaiyah letters. Likewise with the case in SLB-B Sumbersari. With the deafness experienced it does not make </em><em>the students</em><em> forget to their obligations as Muslims. This research aims to provide an overview of the learning hijaiyah letters in deaf students at SLB-B Sumbersari. One of the responsibilities of the school is to provide learning about the Muslim’s obligations in the world, such as learning hijaiyah letters without making shortcomings as an excuse. This research uses qualitative approaches with descriptive methods. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data validity examination technique uses triangulation techniques. From the results of the study, it can be known that the lesson planning has been carried out quite well, even though the teacher does not have a written assessment at the time of learning the hijaiyah letters. The implementation of learning the hijaiyah letters has been going quite well. The learning methods used are methods of writing, reading and kinesthetic or groping. Evaluation of learning hijaiyah letters using process evaluation and evaluation of results. School facilities and infrastructure are actually adequate, but there is</em><em>n’t </em><em>media for learning hijaiyah letters which can makes it easier for children to remember hijaiyah letters. </em><em>The problem is the lack of student</em><em>’s concentration during</em><em> learning hijaiyah letters</em><em> and other difficulty is the teachers who are not of islamic or Arabic education background.</em></p>Fahtu KhaerunnisaYayan NurbayanNunung NursyamsiahMaman Abdurrahman
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29281287At-ta‘bīrātu al-Iṣṭilāhiyyatu al-Indūnīsiyyātu al-Muqtaraḍatu min al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah (Dirāsah Lugawiyah Dilāliyah)
<p><em>Arabic played an important role in enriching the Indonesian language closet and lent it many different vocabulary. This research discusses Indonesian language expressions borrowed from Arabic using the descriptive search method. Data from this research was collected from several sources, most notably Indonesian term dictionaries, the Web, and the researcher's observations. Based on the results of the analysis of the data, he came up with several terms of Indonesian borrowed from Arabic, which can be linguistically divided into fully borrowed phrases, first borrowed phrases, middle borrowed phrases and last borrowed phrases. Semantically, they can be divided into term expressions with the same meaning in both languages, and term expressions whose meaning changes after borrowing, whether it is a total change, or a partial change such as meaning history and narrowing. The aim of this research is to show the extent to which the Indonesian language is evolving by being influenced by the Arabic language and to facilitate understanding of the language expressions of its speakers and scholars.</em></p>Islam Ragab Abdelhamid ShehataYeti MulyatiNuny Sulistiany IdrisMa'mur Saadie
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29288302Development of Arabic Syntax Game Based on Unity Application
<p><em>In this era of online learning, teachers can not teach arabic syntax by lecture method. The presentation of linguistic rules clearly cannot be done directly, Then educators have a responsibility to innovate arabic syntax learning through the unity-based Arabic syntax educational game so that it is very easily understood by learners and does not cause boredom in the midst of learning that is carried out entirely online. The use of educational games is the right solution in overcoming this problem. The aims of this study are: (1) to find out the needs of lecturers and students, (2) describe the prototype picture of the Nahma. (3) describe the expert's assessment of the Arabic syntax educational game product. The data of this study were obtained through non-test data. The non-test data used is in the form of interviews, observations, and questionnaires on the needs of lecturers and students, Expert validity test questionnaire on Arabic syntax games and photo documentation.</em></p>Mohamad Yusuf Ahmad HasyimJamil Jamil
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29303314Tanawwu’ Żarfi al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah fī al-Kitāb al-Madrasi Li al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah bi al-Madrasah al-Tsānawiyyah
<p><em>This study analyzes the adverbs contained in the Arabic Language Lesson Textbook for Class XII Language Program High School, written by Darsono and Surur Abdul Jalal published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, 2011. The purpose of this study was to obtain a variety of Arabic adverbials in sentences. Arabic in the book, which is examined in terms of form, syntactic behavior, and writing errors. This is done, because many students experience errors in writing Arabic adverbs, even though they will become teachers and writers of teaching materials or textbooks. The author is concerned that this weakness appears in existing textbooks. So the author conducted a study of the text book. the method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Using content analysis techniques, and purposive sampling, the author found that there were 146 sentences containing adverbials in the book. Based on the Arabic adverbial concept proposed by Izzuddin, Muhammad (2005, p.59), which consists of jar-majrur, zharaf (maf'ul fih), maf'ul muthlaq, hal, and clauses. In terms of syntactic behavior in the form of i'rab and its position in the sentence structure, the entire adverbial is read as manshub because it is an element of 'umdah, except for the jar-majrur form, and its position is loose, but in general it is at the end of the sentence. The errors that appear are more in the imla aspect (writing hamzah qatha 'and hamzah washal) in addition to morphological and i'rab errors.</em></p>Zilva Raihan Nazir Ali AlfathimyMad Ali
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29315356Namūẓaju al-Ta’allumi al-Mudammaji fī Ta’līmi Al-Lugati Al-‘Arabiyyati bi wāsiṭati Niẓāmi Idārati At-Ta’līmi fī Jāmi’ati Sitībank Al-Islāmiyyati
<p>The research aims to determine the use of the Learning Management System or LMS in teaching Arabic using the blended learning model at STEBANK. The blended learning model appeared in the nineties, which was used in several universities with simple equipment, and nowadays technologies have developed significantly in all areas, especially in information and communication, including technology in education, or it is famously called with education management system platform term. Universities or schools have competed in their use of application in education, so that the learning objectives that are drawn up in their curriculum are more easy, effective and fast. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Culture has urged universities and schools to use communication and information technology in their education activities. However, some universities, including STEBANK, have cooperated with the developers of educational platforms to implement the education in blended learning model by the learning management system, in addition to preparing the appropriate educational tools with this technology such as study plans, videos, course book, electronic examination tools and others.</p>Khambali
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29357367ِAs-Saja‘ fī Sūrati al-Wāqi‘ah
<p><em>The Qur’an is imbued with style, language, meaning. Surah al-Waqi’ah</em><strong> </strong><em>became one of the surahs of the Holy Qur'an, which has The Qur’an is imbued with style, language, meaning. Surah al-Waqi’ah</em><strong> </strong><em>became one of the surahs of the Holy Qur'an, which has fine styles, words, and meanings. The Surah, located at 96 A, is a maquila surah. It may look for the doomsday, the conditions of the right wings, and the northerners on the doomsday and heaven and fire. This study follows the qualitative approach in its descriptive terms, which are written to reveal the subject of the Sejm in Surah. To obtain the data needed, the researcher used written documents. The researcher analyses these data in a descriptive, extrapolative and analytical manner, and one of the main findings of this study is that it is the consent of the two classes in the brother letter. It may be divided into three sections, namely, the embroidered, parallel, and curved roost. The Surah may consist of 54 AA, 10 AA and 4 AA. The objectives of the Bible are to show the ruins of the Holy Qur’an in terms of its style, its words, and its meaning by means of the Holy Quran, not as poetry and prose because the Qur’an is not one of them, but the Qur’an is the words of God. The most important of its objectives is that the Holy Koran is one of the most important references in the teaching of Arabic, especially in the promotion of Arabic.</em></p>Fauziah BachtiarMuhammad Bachtiar Syamsudin
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29368378Taṭwīru Madāti Ta‘limi I‘robil Qur’ani bi Istikhdāmi Namūżaji ADDIE
<p><em>The quality and success of the Arabic language education process are certainly influenced by the interrelated elements or components of the achievement of educational goals, including educational materials. They are an important means of supporting the achievement of these goals. The researcher used R & D design in this study to achieve them. The model chosen by the author in this study is the ADDIE model. This model is selected as being developed systematically and on a theoretical basis in the design of learning. This model is structured with systematic sequences to solve learning problems related to learning sources that correspond to the needs and characteristics of the learner. This model consists of five steps: 1) Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. The method of collecting evidence using the method of observation and documentation. This study aims to produce systematic and effective Arabic language teaching materials, especially in teaching I’rob Al-Qur’an. The teaching material was tested using the ADDIE model on 30 students of the Ponyo Board of Education in teaching I’rob Al-Qur’an and validated by content experts and educational design experts. The products of the educational material are validated by Prof. Dr. H. Maman Abdul Rahman, M.Ag. It's the correct educational design by Drs. Tatang, M. Hum. The content expert estimates that the educational material is very good at 97.22%. The learning design expert estimates a value of 91.66%. The educational material is very well earned and the results of field experiments show a value of 91.50%, indicating that the product's qualifications for teaching materials are very good.</em></p>Abdul Azis MuttaqinYayan NurbayanMad Ali
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29379402Kahoot Application as Learning Platform for Evaluation of Arabic Vocabulary Elements
<p><em>Vocabulary or mufradat is one of the important elements in learning Arabic language. Most people believe that the first thing in learning a foreign language is to know and learn its vocabulary. However, learning a language will not be enough if ones only learn vocabulary without paying attention to grammar and language. By learning vocabulary, students can acquire language skills (istima'. kalam, qiraah, kitabah). To determine the achievement of learning outcomes, evaluation is necessary. One of alternative evaluations is to use an application. This research is a literature study which <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">shows</span> interprets findings on the use of Kahoot application in the evaluation of Arabic vocabulary elements. The advantages of using Kahoot application in learning activity are: 1) making the students become motivated in learning; 2) minimizing cheating; and 3) easing the evaluation and grading by teachers. While the drawbacks of using Kahoot application in learning Arabic language are limited to the good internet connection and the teachers need their own tricks in supervising students when the exam is in progress. To sum up, this research is aimed to be a media innovation resource in learning evaluation.</em></p>Mawaddah Hudri
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
2021-12-292021-12-29403410إشارات في تطبيق المنهج الدراسي التعلم الحري في الجامعة الحرية (MBKM) لقسم تعليم اللغة العربية
<p> <em>أدّى تطوُّرُ العلمِ والتكنولوجيا وتقدُّمِهما إلى تغيير نمط حياة الناس في الاستجابة لجميع مشاكلهم ، كما يتضح من التغيرات في طريقة عمل البشر التي تهيمن عليها الأجهزة الرقمية . ويسمى هذا العصر بعصر الصناعة 4.0 ، وعصر المجتمع 5.0 وهو مجتمع قادر على الاستجابة للعصر الصناعي 4.0 من خلال التعاون المتبادل بين أعضائه لتلبية احتياجاتهم الحياتية. وهذا يشجع عالم التعليم على تخريج خريجين مستعدين لمتابعة هذه التطورات ، يتمتعون بمستوى أعلى من التفكير. ومع ذلك ، فإن عالم التعليم ، بما في ذلك التعليم العالي ، لا يزال في مستوى التفكير المتوسط . ولهذه الغاية ، كانتْ وزارة ُ التعليم والثقافة والبحث والتكنولوجيا تُطوّر برنامجَ التعلم الحري في الجامعة </em><em>الحرية </em><em>Merdeka Belajar Kampus</em><em>)</em><em> Merdeka/MBKM</em><em>)</em><em>. ومع ذلك ، لا تزال الأطراف المعنية غير متأكدة وليس من الواضح لهم كيف سيتم تنفيذها على مستوى قسم التعليم ، مثل قسم تعليم اللغة العربية. لذلك تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقديم إشارات لتطبيقها في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية . من خلال طريقة تحليل المحتوى على المستندات من الحكومة المركزية والجامعات ، حصلنا على إشارات لتنفيذ أنشطة التعلم الحري في الجامعة الحرية</em><em> (</em><em>MBKM</em><em>)</em><em> في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية مما يُؤكِّد </em><em>MBKM</em><em> هذا على أن المناهج الدراسية يجب أن تنطلق من احتياجات أصحاب المصلحة والتقدم في العلوم والتكنولوجيا ، ومن ثم ترفع صورة الخريجين المتوقعين . و يجب أن يتم تحقيق صورة الخريجين من خلال عملية التعليم والتعلم التي تبدأ بتحديد الأهداف الدراسية ، ثم تظهر في المواد الدراسية ، وتتجلى المواد الدراسية في موضوعات الدروس . كما تنص </em><em>MBKM</em><em> على أن الأهداف الدراسية يجب أن تتحقق من خلال التعليم والتعلم داخل الحرم الجامعي وخارجه . وهكذا ، تم تشكيل الأنشطة التي تضمنت 1) تبادل الطلاب (في جامعتهم والجامعات الأخرى ، 2) التدريب ، 3) مساعدة التدريس ، 4) البحث ، 5) المشاريع الإنسانية ، 6) ريادة الأعمال ، 7) المشاريع المستقلة ، 8) تطوير القرى . ، والتي تم تنفيذ الأنشطة السبع الأخيرة منها خارج الحرم الجامعي بوقت 60 ساعة دراسية . فخلاصة القول هو أن التعلم الحري في الجامعة الحرية </em><em>(</em><em>MBKM</em><em>)</em><em> عبارة عن منهج يعتمد على احتياجات أصحاب المصلحة والتقدم في العلوم والتكنولوجيا لإعداد الخريجين الجامعيين القادرين على أداء واجباتهم المهنية في عالم العمل والصناعة وفقًا للكفاءات التي يحتاجون إليها.</em></p>Mad AliRinaldi SupriadiNalahuddin SalehShofa Musthofa Khalid
Copyright (c) 2022 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature
<p><em>This research was conducted due to the lack of skill in reading Arabic texts in XI IPA and IPS students. The problems are: students were lacking in understanding the principle of Arabic and its vocabulary, in translating Arabic sentences into the appropriate sentences, students were also facing difficulties in deciding punctuation, intonation and stressing in a sentence. With the use of cooperative learning model, type group investigation expected to be an alternative in increasing students’ skill in reading Arabic texts. The methods that is used in this research is quasi experiment with Non-Equivalent control group design which is a research that use one-class experiment and one-class control. The sample that are used in this research are XI IPS class as experiment class and XI IPA class as the control class. After doing learning activity using Cooperative Learning type Group Investigation, there were significant differences in the average in the pretest and posttest result in those two classes. In the experiment class, the average score of pretest is 65.40 and the average score of posttest is 84.13. While in the control class, the average score of pretest is 59.33 and 69.93 for the posttest. </em><em>While the final hypothesis testing is done on the normalized gain of the two classes</em><em>. According to the statistics computation, the significant score (2-tailed) is 0.006. Due to 0.006 < a = 0.05, it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This shows there were significant differences in learning to read Arabic texts using GI learning model. The GI learning model is effective to be used in learning to read Arabic texts.</em></p>Fikry Haydar MuttaqyMad AliDudung Rahmat Hidayat
Copyright (c) 2021 International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature