Packaging Local History in Social Studies Learning with the Concept of Edutainment as an Effort to Internalize Nationalism

  • Hartutik Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Local History, Social Studies Learning, Edutainment, Nationalism


Social studies learning is an interdisciplinary unit with one of the studies being history. In social studies learning material at the junior high school level, there is an element of local historical content that can be presented with the concept of edutainment learning with a design that combines educational content with entertainment in harmony. Local history material is one example of the material that can be implemented with the concept of edutainment learning with nationalism in it. Considering that nationalism needs to be continuously internationalization as a strong foundation to build the nation's character. The purpose of this article is to describe the technique of packaging local history with the concept of edutainment as an effort to internalize nationalism in social studies learning, especially for junior high school students. This article is a literature review in the form of a descriptive narrative. This article contains a review of packaging local history in social studies learning content with the concept of edutainment that can be done through certain learning methods or media. The learning methods that can be used to package local history in social studies learning are quite varied. While learning media that can be used to package local history with the concept of edutainment, for example by utilizing digital technology. With some of the techniques described, the teacher can choose one of the easiest and most efficient alternatives that can be used in social studies learning to be a means of internalizing nationalism in students both with learning methods and media.

Articles - Edutainment in Social Studies & History Education