Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in Historical Studies in Order to Maintain the Existence of the Nation's Character Towards the Era of Society 5.0

  • Sekar Ayu Febriantie Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: pancasila student profile, history learning, society 5.0


Society 5.0 is a human-centered technological concept in order to collaborate with technology to solve various social problems that are integrated in virtual and real space. The existence of society 5.0 is expected to integrate their lives between the virtual world and the real world well so that harmony will be created which will later have an impact on improving the quality of human life. But on the other hand, the existence of the era of society 5.0 is very indulgent for humans because with the development in the field of technology, people tend to experience dependence on technology. In the field of education, the development of technology also has an impact on the decline in the morale of students because in the era of society 5.0 the country has a small role and national consciousness is declining. Currently, education units in Indonesia, one of which is at the Upper Secondary level, have begun to apply the Pancasila Student Profile in each subject as a competency standard that is expected to be able to strengthen the noble values of Pancasila in students. Through this article, the author will try to examine the implementation of the Pancasila student profile in history learning as the key to the problems faced by the field of education in the era of disruption like today, considering that history learning also has a pragmatic function to build character and maintain the existence of the nation in the midst of the current technological progress.

Articles-Profil Pelajar Pancasila in Teaching Social Studies & History Education