Understanding Historical Awareness and Motivation to Learn History Through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (Research at SMAN 23 Garut Class X IPS)
This study aims to analyze historical awareness and motivation to learn history through a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students to foster historical understanding and students' motivation in learning. So that the problem of this research can be formulated, namely how historical awareness and student motivation are through making projects to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students at SMA Negeri 23 Garut. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach using naturalistic inquiry research methods in class X IPS at SMAN 23 Garut. The data collection technique used is through interviews and document studies. The results of this study indicate that the project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students needs to be done because the values contained in the P5 project are very effective in raising awareness and motivation to learn history. So that students can live up to the meaning and essence of history for the present and the future, recognize themselves and the nation, and can work together with others and cultivate history. Most students feel motivated by project-based learning to strengthen Pancasila student profiles (P5) which produce products in the form of historical relics from the past.