• Deden Herdoles Department of Sport Education, Postgraduated School, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
  • Bambang Abduljabar Department of Sport Education, Postgraduated School, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Activity, Cognitive Function


Age is part of the process of growth and development, this is a process that continues (continues) naturally. The decline in cognitive abilities such as forgetfulness, a decline in orientation to time, space, place, and not easy to accept new things/ideas. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of physical activity on cognitive function. In this study using a systematic literature review method. To generate data, the researcher used a systematic literature review funnel. the results of the application of search strings on 4 databases, namely Pubmed, Sciencedirect, and Taylor and Francis, and Emerald, the results of filtering based on the criteria produced 21 journals to be used as final papers and analyzed. After that, the researcher added data using template analysis as a thematic way of analyzing qualitative data. The researcher used Mendeley-Dekstop-1.19.8-win32 as the analysis tool. Of the 20 journals that have gone through full text screening, there is an impact of bodily interest on cognitive characteristic at all ages. Regular physical activity also increases the number of synapses, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the brain in carrying out all its functions, especially cognitive function. Based on the description above, researchers are interested in researching the effect of physical activity on cognitive function.
