Pengembangan lembar kerja peserta didik (lkpd) berbasis inkuiri berorientasi kreativitas ilmiah pada materi elastisitas dan hukum hooke

  • Syafnah Aisyah Nauli Harahap Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Amsor Amsor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Taufik Ramlan Ramalis Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Student, Worksheet, Inquiry, Scientific, Creativity


Learning in the 21st century emphasizes creative thinking skills. Inquiry learning in scientific inquiry could provide an active role to students. Scientific creativity in learning can sharpen scientific sensitivity. This research aims to analyze the worthiness of an inquiry based student worksheet oriented to scientific creativity in elasticity and hooke's law topic. This research used mix methods research with the exploratory sequential design. The research phases were document study, initial product design and other instruments, expert validation, product revision, product trials, results and interpretation, product final revision, and will get the final student worksheet. The research instrument were expert validation sheets, developed student worksheet, and student questionnaire sheets. The qualitative data was analyzed using Miles and Huberman models, the data of expert validation analyzed its worthiness criteria, the validity and reliability of product analyzed using e-IRT GRM (graded response model), and the data of student response processed using percentage equations. Student’s answers were judged on the scientific creativity’s indicators which is fluency, flexibility and originality. The developed student worksheet had characteristics that it based on inquiry learning strategy and SSCM (scientific structrue creativity model) which combines the trait, process, and product of creativity. Student worksheet be declared worthy by the expert validators with an average value 4.53. E-IRT analysis of student worksheet are valid and reliable with high realibility category, the value of Cronbach's alpha (α) 0.813. Student worksheet got a positive (excellent) response from students. The developed student worksheet could be an alternative to learning in physics subject


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