Uji serapan radiasi bahan timbal limbah aki untuk pemanfaatan bahan perisai radiasi

  • Dian Nuramdiani Politeknik Al Islam Bandung
  • Putri Khansa Sabena Fadilatunnisa Politeknik Al Islam Bandung
  • Lola Elvira Politeknik Al Islam Bandung
  • M Hilman Mubarok Politeknik Al Islam Bandung
Keywords: Used Batteries, Attenuation, Lead, Radiation, X-Ray


The development of the automotive industry has the potential to increase the quantity of lead waste generated from damaged batteries. One way to reduce the adverse impact of lead waste that has persistent and toxic properties is to utilize lead plates in radiation shielding materials. Radiation shielding is one of the important tools in enforcing radiation protection for workers and the general public in hospital radiology installations. The purpose of this research is to test the value of the lead absorption coefficient from used batteries as an initial step in testing the feasibility of materials in the development of radiation shielding. Material uptake testing was conducted through X-ray exposure on slabs made from battery lead powder and resin with thickness variations of 2,5mm-15mm thickness variations. The exposure factor was set at a voltage of 80kV/32mAs with a collimation aperture of 10 cm x 10 cm. Based on the study, the average value of the attenuation coefficient of the used battery lead material was 0,3367/mm. This absorption value indicates that Lead derived from waste batteries can be used as an alternative to making radiation shields with consideration of the ability to absorb radiation, but the equivalence of attenuation with Pb to be used as an Apron in accordance with Bapeten provisions is still equivalent to 3.876mm.


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