Pengolahan limbah ampas teh, cangkang telur dan styrofoam sebagai adsorben untuk meningkatkan kualitas limbah laundry (air deterjen)

  • Maharani Triya Velina Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dinda Hana Murty Wardah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Adedio Daniel Situmeang Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Oka Saputra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Adsorbents, Waste, Laundry, Tea Waste, Eggshells, Styrofoam


Waste from the laundry process contains high concentrations of various chemicals, such as phosphate, surfactants, ammonia, methylene blue, nitrogen, as well as high levels of dissolved solids, turbidity, high BOD, and high COD. In the treatment of wastewater, one of the methods used is adsorption, and natural materials are often used as adsorbents. The commonly used material as an adsorbent is activated carbon. This study aims to determine the influence and effectiveness of three waste materials, namely tea waste, eggshells, and styrofoam as adsorbents to improve the quality of laundry wastewater. The research method used is literature review. Data collection was carried out by reviewing various journals and articles related to the three waste materials used as adsorbents in laundry wastewater containing hazardous chemical compounds. The articles and journals used were obtained from Google Scholar and several journal websites published in the last 10 years. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the most effective material used as an adsorbent for laundry wastewater is eggshells, followed by tea waste. This is proven by the porous structure of chicken eggshells which have high calcium carbonate nutrition and the physical properties of tea waste which have a wide surface area and fast adsorption kinetics.


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