Exploring research trends of physics conceptual understanding in physics learning in 5 past years: bibliometric analysis

  • Gustama Wibawa Rachman Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Upik Rahma Fitri Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: concept understanding, research, bibliometric, topic


Research related to the application of concept understanding or conceptual understanding in physics education is growing and has become a hot topic for decades. Research related to literature studies related to non-specific concept understanding in physics education and literature reviews related to bibliometric analysis have not been widely conducted. Research using bibliometric analysis and understanding of physics concepts using the Scopus database has not been widely studied. The objectives of this study include knowing how the research network and research visualization of understanding concepts in physics learning and its contribution to physics learning, then how the contribution of the country of scientists in the topic of understanding concepts in physics learning. This research uses a descriptive quantitative analysis method with the help of R software, this research uses 66 sources and 268 articles in past 5 years. The results based on the co-occurrence network obtained from Biblioshiny, obtained several dominant keywords in the topic of understanding the concept of students and education computing. Then, when viewed from these results indicate that the words students and education computing are topics that have the strongest connection with other words. In other words, this topic describes the concept or subject that is most often talked about or has a strong relationship with other elements in the same context. Then, based on the country's scientific production mapping, several countries have the most scientific publications. Among them are Indonesia with 628 articles, USA with 258 articles, and Germany with 184 articles. The production of these scientific publications indicates that the country contributes to research trends on the topic of concept understanding.


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