Penerapan flipped classroom dengan google classroom dan youtube untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar pada materi elastisitas

  • Devi Yulianty Surya Atmaja Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: action research, flipped classroom, google classroom, youtube, learning outcomes, elasticity material


Since the Covid COVID-19 pandemic until now, student learning techniques have changed significantly. Likewise, the development of technology is increasing. Students and Teachers began to routinely access various learning applications with the devices they have, including Zoom, Google (Google Classroom and YouTube), and various other Learning Management System (LMS) applications. SMAIT Gema Nurani actively utilizes various tools provided by Google as a learning tool. However, this is not in line with the value of student learning outcomes. Based on the evaluation results of the previous material, it was concluded that most students only relied on the learning process in the classroom without learning the material beforehand. Therefore, the researcher tried to apply the flipped classroom learning model with Google Classroom and YouTube to improve the learning outcomes of students on elasticity. The method used in this research is action research is action research (Classroom Action Research). This research was conducted in 2 cycles. This average student learning result in cycle 1 was 64 (on a scale of 100) and the average student learning result in cycle 2 was 82 (on a scale of 100). Based on this, it can be concluded that by applying the flipped classroom learning model by utilizing Google Classroom and YouTube, there was an increase in the learning outcomes of students on elasticity material.


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