Unveiling the evolution: A bibliometric analysis of physics learning website trends in the past 5 years

  • Annisa Ramadhania Susila Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Firmanul C Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Esmar Budi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: Website, Scopus, Bibliometric, Trends, Physics Learning


This study aimed to comprehensively examine the field of physics learning website research by conducting bibliometric analysis on 101 publications from the 2018-2023 Scopus database. The purpose of this research was to comprehensively assess the field of physics learning website research. This article performed bibliometric analysis on literature related to physics learning websites, focusing on four main research questions: (1) How did research on physics learning websites develop? (2) Who are the countries, agencies and authors that have contributed most to research on physics learning websites? (3) What were the research topics on physics learning websites that researchers had explored in the last 5 years? (4) How was the distribution and trend of keywords in research on physics learning websites? This study combined quantitative analysis with descriptive methods. The focus was on physics learning websites found within Scopus, determined based on article titles, abstracts, and keywords. During this study, the R-tool bibliometrix package (biblioshiny) was used for data analysis and mapping. The results show that the number of publications experiences fluctuations (irregular ups and downs). Findings indicate that Indonesia, the United States, and Canada are the most prolific affiliated countries for researchers on physics learning websites, with the highest language being English. Stanford University, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and the University of West Bohemia are the most influential universities in the field of physics learning websites. V. Serevina, Myu Khlopov, and FC. Wibowo are the most relevant researchers in the field of physics learning websites. The most common types of research documents are conference papers and articles, with the highest fields being physics and astronomy, computer science, and engineering. The most represented articles on physics learning websites are from the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Bled Workshops in Physics, and CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Additionally, the top Plus Keywords are websites, with a frequency of 41 or 3.54% of the total, and the top author keywords are astroparticle physics, e-learning, and machine learning, with a frequency of 4 or 1.27% of the total.


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