Reviewing the National Historiography: The Study of the Narrative of the Indonesian National History Textbook in Critical Pedagogy Perspective

  • Ahmad Sohabudin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Wawan Darmawan Indonesia University of Education
  • Tarunasena Indonesia University of Education
Keywords: Indonesian National History, Historiography, Critical Pedagogy, History Education, Textbook


The main objective of this study is to reveal the narrative content of Indonesian National History textbooks, studied from a critical pedagogical perspective. This research was conducted using the method of literature study. In the study of literature or research data obtained by conducting a review of books, journals, academic works (dissertations), as well as various reports relating to the problem to be solved. While the approach used is hermeneutics, which is an auxiliary science that is used to understand and interpretation texts or information. The results of this study indicate that the narrative and historical knowledge that is told in Indonesian National History textbooks cannot be separated from the existence of certain interests and ideologies determined and coab instilled by the State. In textbook narratives, the state dominates knowledge about the formation of the nation (nationalism), the perspective of militarism is so strong due to the influence of regime power and the emergence of discourses of de-succession. In the Indonesian National History textbooks, it is also revealed that it only provides a very minimal place for ordinary people as historical actors. Indonesian National History mostly shows big figures present as heroes, while ordinary people are ignored from their history. There has been elicitation in telling historical events and figures in Indonesian National History textbooks.

Articles - Critical Pedagogy in Social Studies & History Education