Historical Imagination Through Writing Historical Poetry in History Learning

  • Rita Nengsih Agustinah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Historical Imagination, Poetry, History Learning


This study aims to examine: 1) the development of historical imagination in history learning, (2) the use of poetry in history learning, and (3) the relationship between the use of poetry in history learning affects the historical imagination of students. This research uses literature review methods and qualitative research with secondary data in obtaining data sources for its preparation. The results showed that 1) the development of writing historical texts (historiography) cannot be separated from the art of storytelling which contains imagination as expressed by historians in the form of poetry or prose; 2) the importance of historical imagination in the writing of historical texts through the writing of historical poems as an effort to return ideality to the consciousness of reality; 3) as Hegel points out that the writing of history must be on two important sides, namely critical and poetic. The activity of writing historical poetry can improve the ability of historical imagination.

Articles - Postmodernism in Social Studies & History Education