Women's Narrative in High School History Textbooks

  • Euis Iskantini Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Women, textbooks, gender, historiography


The emergence of critical theory which gave birth to critical pedagogy with the basic framework of post modernism philosophy seeks to criticize the conventional education system which perpetuates the hegemonic power of those in power. Among the issues put forward by critical theorists are issues of race and gender. So far, the role of women in history has only served as a complement, it has not become the main narrative in determining changes in the nation, including in the depiction of women in historiography. Textbooks which are a form of historiography used in education must have constructions on the role of women who have made a major contribution in the journey of the nation. This study examines how a textbook represents the interests of groups that have played a major role in the nation's journey but tend to be marginalized in historical records. Using a literature study, this study shows that there are still gaps in women's narratives, and the strong dominance of men in the historiographical narratives of high school history textbooks.

Articles - Postmodernism in Social Studies & History Education