Inanimate Object Introduction to Dialogic Pedagogy in Historical Learning

  • Rahman Abidin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nana Supriatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Inanimate Object Introduction, Dialogic Pedagogy, Historical Learning


This article discusses dialogic in historical education, where historical narratives can bring life to an inanimate object, in the hands of creative and innovative teachers it can also provide meaning from historical narratives that are brought to life on an inanimate object. some history teachers still hegemony historical knowledge without providing sufficient opportunities for students. History learning must provide natural thinking opportunities for students. This aim is to find a way to provide freedom of perspective on the importance of providing history in learning for students. The method used in this research is literature study, both technical and non-technical literature. The result is that freedom of thought in history learning can make the learning process effective and efficient. The history of thinking from inanimate objects can develop students' logical and systematic reasoning abilities because different interpretations of
freedom of diversity make the learning process run in a dialogical manner.

Articles - Dialogic Pedagogy in Social Studies & History Education