Proceeding of International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM) <p>The aim of ICREAM is to provide a platform for educators, administrators, managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, scholars, principals, supervisors, graduate students, practitioners,&nbsp;academicians, professionals and teachers from different dicipline&nbsp;backgrounds to present and discuss research,&nbsp;developments and innovations in the felds of educational administration. It provides opportunities to exchange new ideas and experiences, to establish business and research relations to the global partners for future&nbsp; collaboration.<br>ISSN: 2963-3249</p> Educational Administration Program faculty of Science Education Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia en-US Proceeding of International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM) 2963-3249 Implementation of the Change Leadership Model of the Principal In Improving the Quality of Education <p>this research aimed to obtain information on how to implement the change leadership model of school principals in improving the quality of school education. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. This study took data using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The sampling technique used the Purfocefull technique as the data collection technique. This research was conducted at SDK 5 BPK Penabur Bandung, which is located on Jln. Guntur 34, Bandung City, West Java, 4026. The results of this study obtained information about how school principals at SDK 5 BPK Penabur Bandung implement change leadership models in their schools. This research implies that if this change leadership model is implemented in schools, it can improve leadership quality, which has implications for achieving the goals that have been planned previously.</p> Aulia Riski Diding Nurdin Cepi Triatna Copyright (c) 2023-03-27 2023-03-27 6 1 1 8 The Effectiveness of 21st -Century Leadership in Islamic Modern Boarding School <p>The research aims to determine the effectiveness of 21st-Century Leadership in Islamic Modern Boarding Schools. Therefore, this research is expected to positively contribute to both the author and the school in question. Relevant to some of the things referred to, this research focuses on three problem formulations: (1) The effectiveness of leadership on policy and governance changes at the Islamic Modern Boarding School, (2) The effectiveness of leadership on post-covid school innovation at the Islamic Modern Boarding School, (3) The effectiveness of leadership on teacher performance at the Islamic Modern Boarding School. This research uses the type of research qualitative, namely in the form of descriptive data in the form of a comprehensive explanation or interpretation of certain aspects. Methods of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then to process and analyze the data, a descriptive qualitative analysis approach is used, then meaning is given to the data collected and a conclusion is drawn.</p> Rofahiyatul Aisy Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Prajna Hewu Wau Pamalungan Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 8 12 Pedagogic Study Regarding the Role of Digital Learning Media in the Learning Process during Pandemic <p>This study aims to analyze how digital learning media play a role in the development of early childhood education program (PAUD) students during a pandemic when teaching and learning conditions change. This type of research is qualitative, and the method used in this research is descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the role of digital learning media in PAUD helps daily learning activities while playing. In addition, school programs that are usually offline can be adapted to go online with various available digital learning media. The teacher's pedagogical competence, in this case the digital pedagogy approach, also has a major influence on whether the use of technology can provide optimal service for students. By providing good digital learning media and teachers with good pedagogic competence, distance learning during a pandemic is not a problem for continuing to provide meaningful learning for students so that the learning process while playing at the PAUD level is carried out in an interesting and fun way. This research can be used later as a guide if an institution providing educational services, especially PAUD, faces a condition where teaching and learning activities must be carried out online.</p> Bregas Deandro Asmoro Cepi Triatna Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 13 16 Improvement of Headmaster Competency Through Strengthening Training <p>The main objective of this study is to obtain significant differences in the competence of school principals before and after participating in strengthening training. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a quantitative approach using ex post facto that explores an event that has afterward. The sample used was all school principals who had participated in strengthening training US many US 41 people at elementary schools in Cikancung District. the data technique used a questionnaire method and documentation study. The results of the calculation of the competence of school principals prior to strengthening training at SDs in the Cikancung subdistrict was high. Then the competence of school principals after strengthening training in elementary schools in the Cikancung sub-district is very high. The lowest competence of school principals before and after strengthening training is entrepreneurship competency, the business unit sub-indicator, and the highest, entrepreneurship competence, the principal's duties and responsibilities sub-indicator.</p> Husni Hamdani Aan Komariah Sururi Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 17 23 Management of Mathematics Learning through Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Learning Model to Improve Student’s Higher-order Thinking Ability <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the improvement of students' higher-order thinking ability through the management of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning model. This research is a quasiexperimental with a pre-test post-test control group design. The population was all eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Delima Pidie Regency. The samples in this study involved two classes, one class as the experimental class and another as the control class. The instruments used in this study were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using t-test at a significance level of 0.05. The results revealed that learning management with CIRC model can improve students' higher-order thinking ability. The implication of this study is discussed further in this paper.</p> Muhsin Suci Maulina Nasrun Darwin Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 24 27 Leadership Role of Head in Improving Employee Performance <p>Leadership roles greatly affect how the performance of employees in an institution. This study aims to determine the role of youth education and sports leadership in improving employee performance in Buleleng regency. The method used is a qualitative method where it analyzes the object of research by investigating, finding, describing so as producing descriptive data. The results showed that this organization has been running very well with the leadership style of the head of his office. Researchers also see the workings of employees who work very well and also maximally. Each employee strives to complete their tasks well. They build good communication, both leaders to employees and between employees. Thus, researchers see this organization running quite effectively. There are some obstacles faced by leaders but can be overcome well. Leaders who try to protect each employee shows significant results on employee performance in carrying out each task and responsibility. Fragment problem every party in this office is equally struggling to realize common organizational goals.</p> Hotma Bidanita Kenanga Manik Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 28 32 The Influence of Independent Curriculum Development and Digitalization On Teacher’s Readiness in Teaching Elementary School <p>The purpose of this study is to observe more deeply related to teacher readiness in developing an independent learning curriculum and the Digitalization Era that is being imposed by the government. In this article, the researcher uses this type of qualitative research. As for In this questionnaire method, the tool used is a closed questionnaire. The questionnaire method was used by providing a list of questions to the respondents who were the sample in this study in order to obtain information. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that as a whole, 86% of teachers are not ready to implement the independent learning curriculum, and only 14% are quite ready to implement the independent curriculum by implementing a digitalist learning process.</p> Kemala Yudisthira Siregar Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 33 36 The Analysis of Budget for International Curriculum to Get Affordable School Fee <p>The purpose of this research is to analysis budget for international school to get affordable school fee. The methodology used is qualitative and case study at Singapore International School in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. As a result, teacher salary is the most critical budgeting, and local teacher personal development is the key factor to optimize the budget. Cashflow and school fee payment system are the key factors for saving to prepare new school building. The number of students enrolled indicating that the School fee adjusted is affordable. Quality teachers maintain quality education, improving local teacher will raise up school standard lead to increasing the number of students. Preparing new building for school development need 5-10 years before actual year, the cost is collected from saving which depend on cash flow management and school fee payment system. This research can be used to evaluate school budgeting at international curriculum to provide high quality education lead to increasing students number.</p> Kikis Megowanto Abubakar Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 37 40 Implementation of School Governance Based on the Character of Pancasila Student Profile in Elementary School Students <p>This study intends to examine the implementation of school governance based on the Pancasila Student Profile character at SDN 003 Pagarsih. This research used a qualitative descriptive method using a case study approach. Data were collected through observations and interviews with principals and teachers, as well as a survey with a Likert scale given to 100 student respondents in grades 3, 4 and 5. The results of the study indicate that school governance based on the Pancasila student profile character is a planned and structured joint movement process to instill Pancasila values through the Pancasila student character which is the basis for students to choose their actions or judge something meaningful or meaningless for life. School Governance based on the Pancasila Student Profile is implemented through aspects of planning, implementation, and assessment. The governance of character development planning is carried out through the introduction of each character in the Pancasila Student Profile and preparation for daily activities through habituation and insertion into the learning process. Implementation governance is carried out through character planting in every activity. Assessment governance is carried out through character development in students by using attitude assessment during daily activities and the learning process.</p> Imelda Anandiya Putri Diding Nurdin Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 41 47 Managing Islamic Education for University Students in Digital Era <p>This paper aim to eplain how to manage Islamic religious education for university students in the digital era. This research also evaluates the religious education practices in the University and their influence on the religious activities of the university students. This research was conducted using the descriptive method. Research shows that providing religious education materials at universities with the right approach can have a significant positive effect on the religious life of university students. Given the positive impact, It was suggested that Universities should keep improving Islamic education and comprehensible subject matter of religion for University Students, especially in facing various challenges resulting from the development of digital technology and globalization.</p> M. Ryzki Wiryawan Diding Nurdin Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 48 53 Analysis of Leadership, Management, and Supervision Models Using XY Theory <p>This study aims to analyse the appropriate management, leadership, and supervision models based on measurements based on the XY theory. The success of education begins with the level of accuracy of the leader in analysing the suitability of the management model and then carrying out strategies in action while the education management carries out effective and efficient strategic implementation so that schools are able to survive and are also able to develop in the process and results of education. This study uses measurement analysis techniques using XY management theory on sixteen teachers at the SDN 024 Coblong. Based on the results of measurements in this study, it shows that the appropriate leadership model is democratic with a supervision model that is not too strict, and teachers prefer to be managed with a type Y management model.</p> Raafi Fauzia Hakim Diding Nurdin Asep Sudarsyah Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 54 57 Analysis of Problem Solving Effort at Basic Education Level <p>This article aims to conclude the condition of education in order to find out what problems arise so that policies and steps can be taken to overcome these problems in the basic chart of education in Karawang Regency in 2011-2015. This article is limited to the Map of Education in Karawang Regency from 2011 to 2015 in terms of SPR (School Participation Rate), GER (Gross Enrollment Rate), PPF (Pure Participation Figures), ALS (Average Length of School Period), DR (Dropout Rate), and LR Indicator (Literacy Rate). This article is based on descriptive research. Data collection techniques with Documentation Techniques. The secondary data sources used are those from the Karawang Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the Karawang Regency Education Office, and the Karawang Regency RPJMD. We analyzed all data using descriptive statistics, namely averages and proportions, and qualitative descriptive explanations. The results of this study provide an overview of the map of basic education in Karawang regency. Programs that must be completed in order to improve the quality of education in Karawang Regency include: (1) Completion of 9-year Compulsory Basic Education and support for 12-Year Compulsory Education is carried out by providing School Operational Assistance (SOA), Providing educational assistance for those who are vulnerable dropping out of school, Providing full scholarships to underprivileged and achieving communities for higher education, and Continuation of non-formal education functional literacy (life skills) programs. (2) Improving the quality of classrooms and providing adequate infrastructure. (3) Improving the quality of learning and the welfare of educators and education staff, increasing the ability of teachers in their fields of study, and improving the quality of students. (4) Increasing the optimization of education governance. (5) Increasing the Role of Youth is carried out by providing capital assistance to youth groups through youth cooperatives.</p> Reza Ahmad Madani Abubakar Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 58 66 The Role of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance During a Pandemic <p>The purpose of this article is to identify and explain the role of principal leadership in improving teacher teaching performance during a pandemic which can be reflected in student learning outcomes. This article uses method study quantitative with the data obtained from questionnaire satisfaction and method literature for support results research . The result leadership school principals have a very important role and have a significant influence on teacher teaching performance, especially during a pandemic. This result was obtained because the principal as a leader acts as an educator by creating a conducive school climate, providing encouragement and advice, empowering teachers through collaboration, involving teachers in upgrading, and involving teachers in decision making; as administrator by managing administration and finance; as a supervisor by conducting guidance and preparation of educational supervision programs; as a leader by providing instructions, increasing teacher willingness, and opening two-way communication; as an innovator by setting an example and developing innovative learning models; as a motivator by providing motivation to teachers, and managing the physical environment and work atmosphere. This research can be used as a basis for the principal in lead or manage school place work.</p> Rido Yusuf Abadi Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 67 72 Pondok Pesantren: Bibliometric Analysis With Vos Viewer Based on Scopus Data <p>This study aims to analyze and explain the publication of articles about Islamic boarding schools. This research is about Islamic boarding schools using VOSviewer through a bibliometric approach, the source of the articles is obtained from a database with the support of the publish or perish application. Pondok Pesantren becomes a reference in the search process. Found 133 articles that are considered relevant. The research period used as a document indexed by Scopus is the last 10 years (2012-2022). The results of the study focused on searching and analyzing terms related to Islamic boarding schools and other data analyses. The Keyword of pondok pesantren is associated with 7 Clusters, and 86 links with a total link strength of 147. The results of the analysis of the development of publications on Pondok Pesantren in the last 10 years as a whole are still fluctuating and the highest number of publications is in 2019 with 34 publications and the least in 2013 with 0 publications. We checked how many articles were published about Islamic Boarding Schools and their relation to problem areas using VOSviewer. This review can be a starting point for research related to further research regarding Islamic Boarding Schools and the Development of Islamic Boarding Schools in the future.</p> Zaini Hafidh Luthfi Audia Pribadi Ayit Irpani Ali Budiman Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 73 77 Application of Web-Based Exam System Using Local Network for Student Assessment <p>This research aims to determine the response of teachers and students to the implementation of a web-based examination system using a local network at SMAN Modal Bangsa Arun. A quantitative research design was employed, with a Likert scale questionnaire serving as the primary data collection tool. The findings indicated that teachers had a very strong response to the implementation of the web-based examination system in terms of the ease of preparing for exams and user satisfaction, while their response to the ease of operating the system and following the examination process was strong. Students, on the other hand, had a strong response to the ease of use of the system, the content being tested, and user satisfaction. Overall, the positive response from teachers in the strong and very strong categories suggests that they were generally satisfied with the web-based examination system, particularly in regards to its ability to easily create and organize different types of examination questions, its user-friendly nature, and the fact that it does not require an internet connection. Similarly, the strong response from students suggests that they were able to easily understand and follow the examination process, and that the content being tested was well-presented. These results may be useful for parties interested in conducting web-based examinations in contexts without adequate internet connectivity, as well as those seeking to incorporate a variety of examination question types and provide convenience for both teachers and students.</p> Syahrul Hamdi Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 78 84 Digital Leadership in Higher Education Facing the Challenges Towards Society 5.0 <p>this research describe trends of leadership development which is not only require a comprehensive of understanding the concepts but also mastering various relevant soft-skills techniques, according to the position, situation and challenges faced. This research aim to find the solution regaridng the digital leadership in higher education. Issues of leadership and digitalization become trends in the last six years. Digitalization demands a fundamental overhaul which is a very important skill set in an organization. Digital technology is the main trigger for fundamental changes in various aspects of life including in higher education in the future. This is essential to make a solution regarding digital leadership towards the society era 5.0. This paper describes a challenge, opportunity, and solution that can be used especially for a leader using digitalization to face future issues. By using the qualitative method combining with literatur rivew in this research will provide theories and survey regarding the digital leadership facing society 5.0 in several universities in Pekanbaru. The main goal is to create a concept and have a good solution regarding the issues.</p> Seri Hartati Djam’an Satori Diding Nurdin Endang Herawan Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 85 87 Developing Junior High School Student’ Skill in Speaking Basic English Through DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) <p>This research to determine the level of understanding and implementation of DAP in teaching in schools. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative, which uses a cycle model as follows: Plan, Action, Observation and reflection. The results of the test are: (1). Good management of classroom interaction can be maximized by Developmentally Appropriate Practice strategy of learning speaking basic English, (2) Developmentally Appropriate Practice can be used for developing quality of understanding speaking basic English for students’, (3) Better design of classroom interaction to raise the standard competence in learning speaking basic English for students’ can applied in all of teaching speaking.Conclusion is that applying the strategy of DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) indicates that proven DAP can improve students’ motivation for exploration, creativity, feel like to know and can make the atmosphere learn pleasantness for students. so it is suggested to the teacher to apply the strategy of developmentally appropriate practice in the learning process.</p> Saeful Mahir Amrullah Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 88 92 Development of learning media for motorcycle battery charging systems for students of Vocational School <p>This study aims to design a learning medium for a motorcycle battery charging system in class XII Motorcycle Engineering students. Especially in the subject of motorcycle electrical engineering at the Lhokseumawe Beringin Private Vocational School. This learning media is expected to make it easier for students to understand the material taught by the teacher. The research conducted is a type of research and development or Research and Development (R&amp;D) using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation, Evaluation) method. The method of data collection is done by means of observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The results of the feasibility test of praga tools that have been tested and validated for material experts are with a decent predicate. Furthermore, the media expert a decent predicate. It can be concluded that the teaching aids are very suitable for learning media in the subject of motorcycle battery charging systems so that they are suitable for use as effective and efficient learning media in schools.</p> Sayni Nasrah Syahwal Annur Yuniarto Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 93 100 The Influence of Work Motivation and Leadership on the Performance of Guru Penggerak in Deli Serdang Regency <p>The aim of this research was to prove the influence of work motivation and leadership on the performance of Guru Penggerak in Deli Serdang regency. Qualified human resources were only produced by qualified education that was completely educated and intelligent. One of the factors that become a benchmark for the success of education in schools was the performance of teachers, because teachers are one of the implementers of education that was very necessary. With a strict and tiring selection process, more or less high motivation contributes greatly to the performance of Guru Penggerak, which needs to be proven empirically. The obstacles that arise were often from the leadership of the original school that was not familiar with changes so that Guru Penggerak was impressed. The number of innovations carried out if not supported by superiors, then it will only be the potential of individuals. This research was a quantitative study using Multiple Regression Analysis to look for causal relationships between several variables. Primary data was taken using a questionnaire related to motivation, leadership and performance of Guru Penggerak in Deli Serdang regency. The multiple regression test results showed t score of motivation was 2,719 and sig value. was 0.016, namely &lt; the level of significance 0.05, the motivation had a significant effect on the performance of Guru Penggerak while the t score of leadership was 2,416 and the sig value. was 0.029, namely &lt; significance level of 0.05, the leadership also had a significant effect on the performance of Guru Penggerak</p> Silvia Sabatini Aman Simare-mare Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 101 105 Implementation of SWOT and Blue Ocean Strategy in Facing New Student Admission Competition <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the competitiveness of X Private High School (SMAS X) in Districk 11 South Jakarta to get superior students. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. The data used are literature studies, questionnaires and observation results. The results of the study, based on several tables, it is known that the competitive position of SMAS X schools must pursue opportunities to add strength, including: 1) Trying to add new classrooms to be able to accommodate new students who are not accepted at public schools. This proves that there is an increase in interest in New Student Admissions (PPDB) at SMAS X; 2) Establish cooperation with alumni in terms of the possibility of donations for procuring resource persons, trainings and others for the betterment of the school. Factors that influence the success of SMAS X are: 1) Principal leadership, school culture, teacher competency, able to improve quality; 2) There is an increase in interest in (PPDB); 3) The application of the Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) and SWOT Analysis in the world of education will increase the strong competitiveness of institutions. The results of weighting and scoring on the IFAS matrix obtained a total score of strengths of 1.794 and a total score of weaknesses of 0.832. Meanwhile, in the EFAS matrix, the total opportunity score is 1.572 and the threat is 1.069.</p> Wilin Murtanti1 Diding Nurdin Taufani C. Kurniatun Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 6 1 106 113 School-Family-Community Partnership: Preliminary Findings <p>—This preliminary study identifies the level, urgency, form, and problems that exist related to school-family-community partnerships especially for improving instructional effectiveness in the elementary school context. This study was a qualitative inquiry that sought to illuminate the perspectives of Elementary school principals in the Bogor area, West Java province, Indonesia toward their school partnership with family and community. The research employed semistructured interviews with two principals in Bogor city and two principals in the Bogor district. Data analysis employed thematic network techniques. The results of the study indicate that a positive perspective regarding the improvement of school-family-community (SFC) partnerships is founded. The partnership is both a formal and informal approach while most elementary schools in rural more informally than in urban schools. The form of partnership is more of a complementary nature because a school especially a teacher must be the leading actor in the instructional process. The involvement of SFC partnership in the instructional process is a big challenge for the schools and a required model is needed to grow it.</p> Sumiati Dedy Achmad Kurniady Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 114 117 Study Program Leader’s Strategy in Implementing Digital-Based Learning System <p>The aim of this research is to find out the strategy of the study program leader in implementing the learning system in the study program environment. The approach used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive method and collective data technique with an interview, and observation. The results of the study indicate that the strategy used by the study program leaders is to improve human resources in the form of training for lecturers so that they are able to adapt to the development of an increasingly advanced learning system. This is because lecturers still feel difficult to deal with system changes that have been digitized. Based on the research results, the study program leaders should continue to innovate in providing massive training for lecturers to train their creativity and skills in dealing with system changes</p> Regina Mega Pratiwi Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Alifya Nurzehan Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 118 121 Porters' Five Force Analysis: Creation of Competitive Advantage at Natural Elementary School <p>The aim of this research is to identify and describe the creation of competitive advantage and customer value for primary school education services in Purwakarta nature. This research is a qualitative description model. Data collection is done through interviews, documentation, and observation. Respondents involved foundation managers, supervisors, school principals, teachers, parents, students, and community leaders who understand the development of education. Data were analyzed using triangulation techniques. The results showed that the Purwakarta nature elementary school fulfilled Porters' five force analysis in increasing competitive advantage and customer value. Quality service creation, guaranteed quality education and an alternative education model with the concept of universal education developed by the Alam Purwakarta elementary school is able to dominate market segmentation and positioning which makes the demand for the natural school market increase in Purwakarta and creates a blue ocean strategic management that further strengthens sustainable competitive advantage and superior customer value. uncontested. This is due to what we call "false advantages" of competitors in imitating and making competition with superior competitors. This research is expected to serve as a profile for schools that will develop customer value and sustainable competitive advantage in the future.</p> Muhammad Taufik Bintang Kejora Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun Diding Nurdin Djam’an Satori Cepi Tritana Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 122 129 Implementation of School Principal Transformational Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance <p>This study aims to find out how the school principal's transformational leadership style improves teacher performance at SMP Annihayah Karawang. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. The sample of this research is the principal, two teachers, and one administration staff. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation, and document study. The results of this study explain that the implementation of the transformational leadership of the Annihayah Middle School principal has been implemented and is running well. This can be seen from the school principal who can be used as an example by teachers and staff, therefore transformational leadership has an influence on improving teacher performance. This research can be used as a guide or illustration for school principals to determine leadership styles in schools.</p> Rina Sya'diyyah Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Nahdah Nasya Sahirah Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 130 133 Readiness of The Principal Related to Implementation Independent Teaching Platform <p>The purpose of this study is to observe more deeply regarding the readiness of school principals in implementing the Idependent Teaching Platform which is being enforced by the government. In this article, the researcher uses this type of qualitative research. As for in this questionnaire method, the tool used is a closed questionnaire. The questionnaire method was used by providing a list of questions to the respondents who were the sample in this study in order to obtain information. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that the teachers are still not ready to take advantage of the Idependent Teaching Platform, especially on the real action feature as a whole the teachers are not able to complete it. Furthermore, based on data related to the readiness of school principals in guiding and motivating teachers to utilize the Merdeka Mengajar Platform, it is still around 52.5 %. This means that principals and teachers are not ready to take advantage of the free teaching platform, so they still need to be further improved.</p> Purnama Sari Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 134 138 Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy at Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al Muawanah Rajadesa, Ciamis Regency <p>This study aims to examine Blue Ocean Strategy at Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al Muawanah Rajadesa, Ciamis Regency, because this school is considered successful in retaining its devotees. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques, namely interviews, observations, and document studies. There is The strategy applied by Integrated Islamic Junior High School Almuawanah Rajadesa, Ciamis Regency, is in the acceptance of new students and in the education process. The strategy in new student acceptance, namely: forming a network of alumni associations, both alumni of Islamic boarding schools and school alumni; regularly hold meetings with foundations and schools with alumni associations throughout Indonesia through recitation activities per region; do school advertisements on social media; distribute informational brochures about the school to the community. The strategy in the education process is to improve the competence of education/education staff, services to students, communication and listening to complaints/input/criticism/suggestions from parents/guardians of students, eliminating discrimination/discriminating the application of discipline to educators and education staff in school, and reduce negative things that happen at school. The results showed that Integrated Islamic Junior High School Al Muawanah did not lack students, even the last new student acceptance</p> Karyat Heryana Diding Nurdin Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 139 141 Principal Leadership Skills in Fostering Professional Teacher Performance <p>The purpose of writing this article is intended to describe more deeply the skills that must be in school principals so that school principals can play their role in fostering teachers and implementing educational programs so that they can run effectively and efficiently. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection was carried out through direct interviews with the Principal of SMPIT Nur Al-Rahman Cimahi, as well as by developing various previous articles, journals, books which discussed significantly related to the theme of this research. The results of this study will show that after knowing what the principal leadership skills are, it will be adjusted to how to foster professional teacher performance.</p> Realitawati Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 142 146 Middle School Teacher’s Perspectives Regarding School Ethical Climate <p>This study aims to explore the teacher's perception of the ethical climate in their respective schools.The method used in this research is mixed methods sequential explanatory design. The population of this study were teachers who had worked in the four schools for two years. In the first stage, conventional sampling was applied to select four schools in Gamping District, Sleman Regency. In the second phase of the study, Focuss Group Discussion and interviews were involving 24 participants. The results of the study found that teachers perceived positively toward their school ethical climate In terms of each indicator, the highest score was at “teachers are role models for students”, while the lowest score was at “without cheating, students share ideas, class notes, and other materials with their classmates”. It was found that schools had made efforts to build ethical climate through implementing school conduct, personal approach and involving stakeholders. The results of this study suggest to strengthening the consistency of positive behavior of students both inside and outside the classroom, facilitating communication channels to allow students provide feedback to teachers to be followed up and the emerging needs of improving teacher skills in differentiated learning.</p> Rahmania Utari Cepi Safruddin Abduljabar Wiwik Wijayanti MD. Niron Tina Rahmawati Udik Budi Wibowo Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 147 154 Value Chain Analysis in Developing Collaborative Learning <p>This study aims to identify the activities of the driving school program in developing collaborative learning. The research method used in this study uses a qualitative approach. The results showed that there were two activities in the driving school. First, the main activities include Program design, Recognition regulation, moment truth management, Learning Spirit, Service Competition. Second, supporting activities include Professional Recruitment, Modern tools &amp; instructors, libraries with relevant books, After-Sales. Value chain activities that provide added value in developing Collaborative Learning are moment truth management and Learning Spirit. Operational activities include KS and Teacher PKB Program activities through PLC, Training, KKG, MKKS, Workshops, Coaching, PMO, Self-renewal activities, implementation of micro projects (independent in class), Mezzo (Cross maple), Macro (7 major themes of PSP), Teaching at the right level, as well as literacy and numeracy activities. While the learning spirit includes safe and fun learning, student-centered, facilitation for the actualization of teachers and students, facilitation of improving the quality of educators and TPK, harmonious human resource relations in schools. In addition, there are several things that can improve value chain performance in developing collaborative learning carried out by teachers. First, privilege as a first-generation driving school. Second, the commitment of the principal to facilitate school resources. Third, the creativity and innovation of the teaching team in carrying out collaborative learning in every lesson so that students' rights to get a quality and enjoyable education are fulfilled. Fourth, parental support in every decision taken by the school in meeting the demands of the school as a driving school. Fifth, external parties in this case the local government and school partners provide support in various activities related to driving schools, especially when implementing mezo and macro projects.</p> Ira Nadya Octavira Eka Prihatin Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun Danny Meirawan Diding Nurdin Muhammad Rezeki Muamar Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 155 158 Collaborative Strategy for the Bunda PAUD Working Group of West Java Province and Universities in Improving the Competence of Early Childhood Educators in the City of Bandung <p>The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the collaborative strategy implemented by the Working Group of Bunda PAUD of West Java Province and Universities in Improving the Competence of Early Childhood Educators in the City of Bandung. The West Java Province PAUD Working Group is a non-structural institution under the auspices of West Java Province PAUD Mothers as a special mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The method used was qualitative through in-depth interviews with Bunda PAUD in West Java Province, Chairperson of the West Java Province PAUD Working Group, and higher education academics including the Indonesian University of Education, International Women's University, and Bandung Islamic University. Data collection was also complemented by observation techniques in the working groups of Bunda PAUD with universities and collaboration data documentation carried out by these organizations. The results of the study show that although Early Childhood Education is not the authority of the Province, the Working Group of Bunda PAUD of West Java Province as a representative of PAUD managers at the provincial level is able to support the implementation of increasing the competence of PAUD educators, especially in the city of Bandung by collaborating with universities including the Indonesian University of Education, International Women University, and Bandung Islamic University in various forms of activities including Webinars, Education and Training, and Capacity Building which are carried out both online and offline</p> Gema Muhammad Shidiq Endang Herawan Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 159 168 Principal Leadership Style in The Digital Age <p>Education leadership is the key to effective education implementation. In the digital era, principals who are leaders in schools must be able to create schools that can produce quality graduates according to existing developments. The purpose of this article is to find out the appropriate leadership style of the principal to be used in the digital era and the method used is to conduct a literature study where the study material uses data collected from scientific papers or library materials as the object of this research. Based on the research results, principals have a big challenge in creating schools that can produce quality graduates in the digital era. The principal must also be able to develop innovative creative ideas in carrying out their duties and abilities as a leader. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is from the various challenges of the digital era that the principal must face as a leader. The leadership style used in the digital era can provide a sense of comfort, but in general the more dominant is a democratic and transformational leadership style.</p> Prajna Hewu Wau Pamalungan Eka Prihatin Diding Nurdin Rofahiyatul Aisy Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 169 171 Management of Modernization in Pondok Pesantren <p>This study aims to describe the management of modernization in pondok pesantren education. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study at Pondok Pesantren Sabiilunnaja. Interviews, observation, and documentation were used to gather the information for this study. Data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the pesantren stick to the main principle, namely al-muhafazotu 'ala al-qodiimi ash-shaalih wa al-akhdu bi al-jadid al-ashlah which means maintaining good old traditions, and accommodating new, better traditions. The management of modernization in pondok pesantren can be formulated in: 1) Planning is carried out by pesantren since 2013 through the founding junior and senior high schools by integrated management. 2) Organizing modernization of pesantren has done by forming organizational structure since its establishment and the organizational integrated curriculum, national and pesantren. 3) Actuating modernization in pondok pesantren is carried out by effectiveness of kyai’s leadership and integrating program in developing student’s competencies intellectually and spiritually, 4) Controlling the modernization of pesantren through the evaluation periodically for every human sources of education. This results tell us that pesantren is striving to improve the its quality by many programs held during the process of education. This research is hoped to develop the quality of managing pesantren as professional educational system to face modernization</p> Abdul Muhyi Alawiy Athallah Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 172 177 Supervisory Academic Supervision at SMA Negeri 9 Banda Aceh <p>Educational supervision aims to provide guidance, services and ensure the implementation of activities in accordance with the educational objectives that have been set in improving the quality of teaching, as well as developing the potential of professional teacher quality. The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the supervisory work program, (2) the implementation of the supervisory work program, (3) the evaluation of the work program carried out by the supervisor. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that: (1) Preparation of supervisory work programs based on annual supervision programs, semester supervision programs, managerial supervision plans, academic supervision plans, performance assessments and continuous professional development, evaluation and reporting are all prepared based on work periods and time periods; (2) The implementation of the academic supervision work program for teachers can increase awareness building in improving teacher professionalism and have an impact on the teacher's ability to teach in the classroom; and (3) Evaluation of the supervision program to determine the extent of the achievement of the implementation of the supervision program from the objectives, context, inputs, processes and results and find out what are the obstacles faced in the field from both teachers and supervisors and this will be used as a reference in carrying out follow-up inputs in the new program in the future</p> Andika Sapwan Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 178 181 Development Learning Management System: Publication Analysis Using Bibliometric Using Vosviewer Application <p>This study aims to map the development of computational mapping research using VOSviewer through bibliometric analysis in the Learning Management System study. Database article obtained from the Google Scholar by using Publish or Perish 8 Application. The keywords used to search for articles on Google Scholar are Learning Management System and LMS. To limit publications in this search, the researchers set a limitation on the year of publication, which is in the last 10 years from 2012-2022. The results show that Learning Management System Publication consists of 11 clusters with 1282 links and a total of 2823 Link Strengths. with the development of research that continues to increase over time and in 2021 the year of research with the most topics is 159 publications in one year. We examined how many articles have been published on Learning Management System and its relation to problem areas using VOSviewer. This review can be a starting point for further research related to LMS or Distance Learning Application</p> Asep Priatna Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 182 188 Analysis of Digital-Based Education Leadership at The State Junior High School Levels <p>This study analyzes digital-based educational leadership skills at the junior high school level in the Northern Region of Bandung City. As well as exploring the supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing digital-based leadership at the State Junior High School level in the Northern Region of Bandung City during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is limited to seven digital-based leadership skills: Digital Attitude, Leadership Ability, Communication Skill, Social Skill, Team Building Skill, Change Management Skill, and Trustworthiness. The method used is a descriptive and qualitative approach obtained through interviews with the principals of junior high schools in Bandung. Data processing and analysis using Nvivo 12 Software. The results showed that principals at the State Junior High School level in the Northern Region of Bandung City already have digital-based leadership skills characterized by being able to respond to technological advances in schools, namely utilizing the role of technology in managing schools. Involvement of the principal in formulating and communicating the technology-based Vision and Mission. Strong communication skills, marked by school programs and policies that can be conveyed well by school residents through virtual media, and holding virtual meetings, even amid a pandemic that results in restrictions on face-to-face meetings, show that one of the changes made by the top school during a pandemic is the use of technology in education. Learn the use of technology so that teachers and school members have an understanding of the use of technology in education, after that the principal makes changes.</p> Dedy Achmad Kurniady Muhammad Sidik Mahardika Deden Deni Koswara Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 189 195 The Implementation of Academic Supervison and Teacher Development to Improve Teachers’ Competencies <p>This study purposes to find out the implementation of academic supervision and teacher development activities in order to improve teacher’s competencies in the school. This study conducted in SMAN 1 Subang and used qualitative research with descriptive method. To obtain data, the researcher employed in the depth interview, and the documentation to the school principal and teacher for collecting the data. The result showed that academic supervision activities at SMAN 1 Subang are consisting in three stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation/RTL (follow-up plan) which are carried out every semester. The teacher development activities carried out by the school. In improving the quality of teachers at SMAN 1 Subang are IHT, workshops and educational seminars, and support the teacher career. The conclusion of this research is teacher development activities and academic supervision is needed for teachers in improving their competencies.</p> Dea Elisa Afifah Sururi Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 196 199 School Leadership to Encounter Society 5.0: The School Leaders Strategies <p>The transformation of education in society 5.0 has become a challenge faced by school leaders, the sudden change pushes leaders to find the best solution to maintain the existence of their school. This article aims to provide the possible strategies for school leaders to use to encounter society 5.0. Society 5.0 can be defined as the new era of social balance with a human-centered integration with cyberspace and physical space. Best believes that advanced technology serves as a catalyst to achieve the nation's education goals. School leaders have the role of driving and directing the school to step forward to face society 5.0 using advanced technology and effective leadership. Effective leadership is supported by the right decision-making and efficient strategies. The writer obtains some strategies through works of a literature review from relevant sources. This article set out five strategies that can be used by school leaders to encounter society 5.0; leadership roles, curriculum development strategies, educator empowerment strategies, relationship &amp; partnership development strategies, and school management &amp; school entrepreneurship development strategies</p> Bella Iaskyana Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 200 204 Implementation of Principal Situational Leadership in Teacher Readiness in the Modernization Era <p>Leadership is one of the keys to the implementation of an institution, especially in education. In this era of modernization, leadership has the very challenging task to guide an educational institution so that it is not eroded by the times. Leadership in modern times requires a leadership style to manage educational institutions. One of the leadership styles is situational leadership, a style that can adapt to the existing developmental situation and conditions. The purpose of this study is to find out the situational leadership style of school principals in the modernization era based on a 4- dimensional approach. This article uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of the findings can be concluded that the principle in implementing the situational leadership style tends to be participative, namely encouraging followers and conducting two-way communication, and facilitating followers in making decisions on a problem. As well as delegative, which is used on followers with a very high level of readiness, followers have a very high ability and willingnes.</p> Cut Nurhalizah Aziz Eka Prihatin Diding Nurdin Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 205 209 Public Relations Strategy in Creating the Image of Islamic Boarding School <p>Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) is the basis of Islamic education in Indonesia. Islamic boarding school is also the first and oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia, which continues to develop according to the times. In addition, an Islamic boarding school is an educational institution with its characteristics compared to other educational institutions. In this case, an Islamic boarding school is inseparable from the role of the public. Thus, public relations in an organizational institution has a crucial role, especially in education. To achieve the goals of Islamic educational institutions effectively and efficiently, a remarkably close relationship between educational institutions and the public is needed to meet the public needs and to build the image of the Islamic boarding school. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research, with six respondents. The data were then analyzed, and their validity was checked using triangulation techniques at Islamic boarding schools in Bantul Regency. The study results revealed that 1) public relations played a vital role in improving the image of Islamic boarding schools in Bantul Regency; 2) The public relations strategy in improving the image of Islamic boarding schools in Bantul Regency was through several factors, including strong support from the guardians of students and foundations, the commitment of Islamic boarding school in carrying out programs to be trusted by the public, and cooperating with educational unit institutions outside.</p> Dian Hidayati Fillah Babul Fathatul Jannah Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 210 214 Teacher Efforts and Parent Involvement in Improving Student Arabic Student Learning Motivation (Case Study on Blended Learning Method at Islamic Boarding School Persis Tarogong, Garut) <p>This study aims to describe teacher performance, parental involvement and motivation to learn Arabic online and offline in a modern Islamic boarding school. The methodology used is qualitative which is presented in a descriptive form. The results of the analysis show that teacher performance during a pandemic and post-pandemic shows different treatment. When online, the teacher's performance becomes more extra but in reality it becomes less optimal while after going online it can be more organized. This can also be seen from the responses of a number of students regarding their motivation to learn Arabic so far. As for the parents, there was a positive response which mostly provided motivation for their children's study period so that whatever the circumstances, the target of modern pesantren is to foster Tafaqquh-Fiddin people , where one of them is students who are able to use Arabic can be realized according to what has been planned.</p> Dina Qurotun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 215 218 Leadership Strategies in Overcoming Leadership Stress in Higher Education (Case Study on University Darul Falah Bandung Barat) <p>Stress happens to everyone in their life. Stress occurs wherever they are and whenever they do. Stress inevitably occurs, but we can manage that stress into good stress so as not to become fatal stress on ourselves. Leaders in colleges are responsible for managing stress under their authority. If stress occurs in lecturers, students and lower-level leaders, it will be a stress burnout. College leaders must be responsible to ensure that their organizations can run healthily and meet quality academic services. Then a special strategy is needed in dealing with stress. The purpose this article is to identify the types of stress that occur to leaders at the study program level, supporting elements and main leaders at university Darul Falah. The research method used is a case study. The participants in this study were the main leaders, support/unit leaders, and study program leaders within university Darul Falah. In this case, the stress that occurs in the university Darul Falah environment is mostly in the aspect of workload, especially those related to time management and policy making which can lead to pros and cons. Leaders have their respective duties and roles in accordance with the task structure and governance of an institution. Leaders have a workload in accordance with the level of policy that must be decided. In making decisions, the leadership is charged with formulating and determining strategies that can be accepted by all parties in carrying out the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Thus, every leader must be able to overcome his stress first so as not to spread to other aspects. Then it is necessary to develop a healthy work culture with collaborative and active discussion to minimize the onset of stress in providing academic services.</p> Gilang Gumilang Dawous Nugraha Suharto Abdul Munim Amaly Murhayana Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 219 224 Analysis Of Student Creativity Thinking Skills Through SWOT Analysis <p>This study aims to identify and analyze how creative thinking skills are one of the skills that must be possessed by students. This research was conducted within the scope of the department of education administration using a qualitative approach. Research data were obtained from interviews and questionnaires. Creative thinking skills possessed by Education Administration students are quite good, especially in indicators of Fluency and Flexibility. However, there are weaknesses shown in the indicators of novelty or novelty. In this case, students are less able to make an original answer that is completely different from other students' answers. Then out of ten participants who participated, there were only two participants who were able to make an original answer that was completely different from the other answers.</p> Hikmat Zakky Almubaroq Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 225 230 Academic Supervision By School Principal To Maintain School Excellency During Covid-19 Pandemic in Junior High School 5 Yogyakarta <p>The Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia is dynamic, and the changes occurred in any time. The learning process during this pandemic includes online distance learning and face-to-face learning at school, depends on the virus transmission rate. This affects the teaching-learning quality. The problems are related on lack ability for using ICT, gadget unavailability, lack of internet connection, and decreasing social interaction. Furthermore, school principal should supervise their teachers to maintain school excellency during the pandemic, including in Junior High School 5 Yogyakarta, the historical-traditional excellent school. This research purposes are: 1) to describe teaching-learning process during Covid-19 pandemic; 2) to describe academic supervision by school principal to maintain school excellency during Covid-19 pandemic; 3) to construct a new concept of academic supervision to maintain school excellency, especially during the crisis of Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used in this research is qualitative approach. The data collection methods aremeth semi-structured interview, observation, and document analysis. The data analysis used in this research is interactive model from Miles, Huberman and Saldana: data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results show that: 1) teaching-learning process is conducted online through media Google Suite (Workspace) modified for the school. The teachers conduct teaching-learning by Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom, and WhatsApp; 2) academic supervision by school principal is conducted by visiting the class, sometime without telling the teachers previously, thus it is natural; then organizing regular meeting with teachers, and developing and providing the team ICT/information-communication technology; 3) the new constructed academic supervision is a combination of academic supervision and performance appraisal or assessment conducted simultaneously. Academic supervision is directed to solve teacher problems on teaching-learning, while performance assessment it to assess or evaluate the actual job performance, especially on teaching-learning</p> Priadi Surya Lia Yuliana Lantip Diat Prasojo Aris Suharyadi M.M. Wahyuningrum Handayani Nurtanio Agus Purwanto Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 231 238 The Preparation of Strategies for Building Leadership Characters in Modern Educational Institutions at Vocation High School 11 March Bekasi <p>The research aims to prepare a leadership character-building strategy for Vocation High School 11 March Bekasi students. This type of research uses references from previous research. The research method uses the research hypothesis by Errol E Harris, and the data analysis uses descriptive analysis. This research technique is accomplished through data collection, analysis, and conclusions. The findings of the research data show that implementing this strategy, has similar results from the five previous research journals. They are determined by the method of organization, supervision, and motivation. Therefore, preparing strategies for building leadership characteristics can make students have leadership characteristics and improve their quality.</p> Dahliana Asry Abdilah Diding Nurdin Cici Warhamni Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 239 241 Leadership Strategies For Strengthening DigitalBased of School Manageme <p>This research examines the important role of leadership strategy in strengthening digital-based school management through the establishment and development of the SMSBK (an Excellence-Based School Management System) program. A descriptive qualitative method with a participatory approach was used to practice leadership strategies in establishing the SMSBK program at three target schools in Garut Regency, namely Pembina State Kindergarten, SDN (State Elementary School) 1 Gentra Masekdas, and SMPN (State Junior High School) 1 Tarogong Kaler. The results of this study produced several leadership strategies in strengthening digital-based school management: (1) gathering support and collaboration of stakeholders; (2) participative communication and involvement; (3) change management strategy and time management; (4) delegation of authority and decisions; (5) empowerment and optimization of resources; and (6) inherent supervision. These six strategies effectively strengthen digital-based school management. Technological developments in the industrial era 4.0 have connected various aspects of life, the education is not spared from this. Educational technology is a necessity for accelerating school management in order to realize higher quality education. So, in this case the role of the leader as an educational transformer must be able to direct the school to a better form of management than before. As a recommendation for this research, the involvement of supervisors, parents and school committees needs to be increased in order to implement more effective digital-based school management</p> Ade Manadin Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 242 250 Educational Economics Research: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>This study provides an overview of bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on the theme of education economics, the method used in this study is a bibliometric analysis using a publication database from Google Scholar obtained through the Publish or Perish application. The limitation of the research in this study was the last ten years, from 2012- 2022. Based on the results of the study, a total of 483 articles were analyzed using VOSviwer. The results from mapping using VOSviwer show that there is a decline in the publication trend in 2020-2022. then the most studied theme in this research is education, students, and universities. The input from this research is research because there is no theme regarding the covid-19 pandemic, so I recommend doi</p> Heru Dewanto Copyright (c) 2023-04-03 2023-04-03 6 1 251 255 Principal's Leadership Strategy in the Era of Digital Disruption <p>The rapid change of times due to technological progress is one of the factors of strategic changes that leaders must make in adjusting the organization to survive. The era of disruption itself is related to the challenges faced due to changes in the rapid development of the times, especially in the field of technology. In comparison, leadership is the ability and potential of a leader to bring his organization to survive in the increasingly advanced technology. Leaders, of course, must have their strategy so that the organization they lead survives today, which will continue to change because of the progress in the field of technology. This study aims to determine the strategy of the principal leadership in times of digital disruption. This study will use a qualitative approach with data collection techniques like observation and interviews. The results of this study will show how the strategy undertaken by the principal of two different educational units in the face of the era of disruption. This study is essential to see what strategies are applied in principals' leadership in the education unit they lead.</p> Cici Warhamni Damanik Eka Prihatin Diding Nurdin Dahliana Asry Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 256 259 Meta-Analysis of Principal Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Administrative Performance <p>This research was conducted to determine the effect of leadership and motivation on honorary school administrative staff. The time spent during research activities was carried out for nine months, starting from February to October 2022. The data analysis used was a literature review. The findings from the study that there is a principal's leadership style have a positive and significant effect on the job satisfaction of honorary school administration employees. This is because the ability of the school principal's management to make a significant contribution to administrative staff services and high work motivation will have a positive effect on job satisfaction where honor school managers play an important role in an educational institution, they must have the awareness to motivate themselves in carrying out tasks so that the desired goals can be achieved optimally. This research can be used as a basis for reference for future empirical research on school leadership and job satisfaction variables on the performance of honorary administrative staff.</p> Neti Karniati Unifah Rosyidi Suryadi Chyta Anindhyta Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 260 266 Relationship Between Organizational Capacity and Quality management of Academic Services in Higher Education <p>This research aims for study relationship between organizational capacity and quality management of academic services in higher education. Approach quantitative descriptive with analysis correlation and regression used for test hypothesis. Findings disclose that there is connection positive and significant relationship between organizational capacity and quality management of academic services in higher education. it because statistical test results show that influential organizational capacity significant to quality service academic. Those results obtained because good organizational capacity will leads to academic quality service. The results of this study can used more carry on for development of organizational and management capacity models quality service academics at higher education.</p> Tepi Mulyaniapi Johar Permana Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 267 274 Relationship Between Organizational Capacity and Quality management of Academic Services in Higher Education <p>The focus of the discussion of this paper is on the management of private vocational high schools in West Bandung Regency. The purpose of this study was to conduct a study on the effectiveness of private vocational high school management in West Bandung Regency. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method and uses a questionnaire filling technique. This paper specifically discusses the management effectiveness survey of private vocational high schools in West Bandung Regency. After conducting the research, the findings obtained are as follows, the effectiveness of management of private vocational high schools in West Bandung Regency in general shows that the perception of management effectiveness is in the very good category. The results of the survey on the effectiveness of the management of vocational high schools in West Bandung Regency also show that the dimensions of school objectives provide the highest level of effectiveness with an average of 3.67. So that in general the management of private vocational high schools in West Bandung Regency has been running effectively with a record of improvement in several aspects that are still lacking</p> Deri Yustin Wulandari Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 275 286 Study of the Role of Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Competence on the Quality of Learning in the New Normal Era <p>In this New Normal Era, various education quality problems have sprung up to haunt several educational units in making breakthroughs in obtaining effective and efficient learning strategies during the pandemic. One of these problems is the quality of human resources. Leaders are one component of education that can influence educators and education personnel in developing their competencies. In this study, the authors focus on knowing in general the role of principals' leadership in improving teacher competencies and teacher competencies that are relevant to the quality of learning in the New Normal Era. The author uses a library-oriented method of theory from experts and previous studies. The conclusion of this study is that the role of school principals in improving teacher competence can be done through several activities such as supervision of education, education and training, continuous motivation and changes in work culture. The teacher competencies that are relevant to learning in the New Normal era include developing literacy and science and technology competencies, classroom management competencies and communication and social skills.</p> Moch Risnaldy Al Fatah Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 287 298 The Role of The School Principal As An Instructional Leader in Student Agency-Based School Program Management <p>This research aims to see the role of school principals as instructional leaders in managing student agency-based school programs. Student agency refers to the quality of students' self-reflective and intentional actions and interactions with their environment. National Education Bill year 2022 and Kurikulum Merdeka, state that students have an active position in the main subject of education, not just as participants in the process. The problems of this study were to obtain an empirical description of (1) How the Principal manages student agency-based school programs at Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe, (2) How to implement student agency-based school programs at Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe (3) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors in managing the student agency-based program at Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe. The research was conducted at Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe. The research approach used is a case study. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation with the research instrument was the researcher herself. The results of this study are (1) The principal has an active role in the effort to manage the student agency-based school program Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe (2) The implementation of the student agency-based school program has begun to be developed at Public Junior High School no 1 Lhokseumawe (3) The supporting factor is the enthusiasm of the guardians and students in establishing each school program, and the inhibiting factor found was the guardian's less in-depth understanding of school programs and required a longer time if parents and students were fully engaged in every program management. Research at an advanced stage is expected to be able to find a leadership model that can facilitate student agency in managing school programs. So that the process of engaging the entire school community, especially parents and students, can run effectively and efficiently.</p> Heni Yulita Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo Aman Simaremare Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 299 303 Principal Leadership in Improving the Effectiveness of the School Mover Program <p>School Mover is a new breakthrough in the Ministry of Education and Culture's policy which are considered to be able to provide a new paradigm for improving the quality of education in Indonesia. This policy is an educational transformation effort that focuses on developing student learning outcomes holistically. This policy intervention focuses on improving the quality of human resources (teachers and school principals). Thus the success point of this policy lies in the leadership of the school principal, as the principal can formulate a strategy to accelerate the transfer of paradigms, as well as make effective and efficient school organizational governance, so that the policies that have been issued can be realized. There has been a lot of research on learning in school mover programe but there is still no research on leadership in school mover, so therefore this research is expected to provide new knowledge in the scope of education.</p> Hafizh Syafaaturrahman Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 304 310 High School Teachers' Perceptions Jakarta on Principal's Leadership in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on the management of online learning carried out by teachers in schools, especially regarding planning, implementation, evaluation, and mentoring of students. This condition requires the effective implementation of the principal's leadership function as an administrator in the education unit, so that the implementation of learning can run effectively. This study analyzes the perceptions of high school teachers&nbsp; Jakarta regarding the implementation of principals' leadership, which includes the functions of instructional, consulting, participatory, delegation, and controlling in the management of online learning in education units. The method applied is a survey, with the questionnaire technique being broadcast. The results of data analysis showed that in aggregate the aspects of the instructional leadership function, consulting, participatory, delegation, and controlling, were in the category of very good average (52.90%), good (42.02%), moderate (3.59% ) ), and less (1.48%).</p> Rita Hastuti Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Johar Permana Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 311 314 The Role of Transformational Leadership on Improving the Quality of Institutional Accreditation Management in Private Higher Education Organizations <p>Transformational leadership is the leadership styles with a behavioral approach and the ability of the leader to inspire the followers for working well and producing the best performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe transformational leadership styles to create organizational health in an effort to improve the quality of accreditation management. This research method is a qualitative approach with a literature review design through the process of collecting relevant research literature, getiing important points and their relevance to the concept of research problems, then conducting an in-depth analysis by compiling discussions and conclusions from the results of the analysis. The results of the study explained that transformational leadership style is predicted to improve the quality of accreditation of higher education institutions through the health of higher education organizations. The method used is through the application of transformational leadership characteristics; idealization of influence, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. This study is expected to make a real contribution to improving the quality of private higher education accreditation management through the application of a transformational leadership style.</p> Arip Amin Diding Nurdin Johar Permana Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 315 320 Quality of Digital-Based Learning Process at Faculty of Economics and Business University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang <p>The development of the digital era is fast and has an impact on the education system. This change is in the form of a shift in the process of learning activities which were originally carried out faceto-face to online learning using digital technology. Of course, the change in the learning process from face-to-face to online requires lecturers and students to be able to adapt to this change. To maintain the quality of the learning process, the Institute facilitates a digital learning system in the form of a system and socializes it to lecturers and students so that it is easy to operate the digital learning system. Assignments and delivery of material given to students are arranged systematically so that they are not burdensome to students in the online learning process. This article aims to explain how the quality of the digital-based learning process at this time can be accepted by students and lecturers as implementers of the system that has been created. The type of research used is qualitative with descriptive method. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, documentation studies, and analyzed using source triangulation. The results obtained in this study are the learning process at the Faculty of Economics and Business using the BOC application for approximately 3 years. In the BOC application, the delivery of material is asynchronous, both for submitting material files and videos of material explanations and for completing synchronously through the Zoom or GMeet application, so that the explanation of the material from the lecturer can be carried out properly.</p> Alifya Nurzehan Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Regina Mega Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 321 324 Principal Spiritual Leadership: A Bibliometric Analysis with the VOS Viewer App <p>The goal of this research is to examine the development of research particularly in the area of spiritual leadership. This research was conducted using the VOSviewer App through a bibliometric approach to analysis Spiritual leadership. 222 articles were found in google schoolar that are considered relevant. The research period covers the three years from 2020 – 2022. The results show that this research can be separated into 2 terms: “Spiritual leadership” and “Principal”. The term “Spiritual Leadership” is associated with 40 links for a total link strength of 383. The term “Principal” has 36 links for a total link strength of 266. The results of the analysis of the development of publications on spiritual leadership in the last 3 years are overall quite stable. The highest number of publications was in 2021 with 84 publications. I examined how many articles were published on the spiritual leadership of principals and&nbsp; their approach to problem -solving or their relation to problem area using VOSviewer. This review can be a starting point for further research related to the spiritual leadership of school principals..</p> Henni Sidabungke Yayah Rahyasih Luthfi Audia Pribadi Zaini Hafidh Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 325 331 The Effect of Web-based New Student Admission Online on the Quality of School Services in Junior High Schools in Purwakarta Regency <p>The purpose of this study was to obtain factual information about the influence of Web-based NEW STUDENT ADMISSION Online on the Quality of School Services in Purwakarta Regency Junior High School. This research generally seeks the determination of Web Based Online New Student Admission (X) and School Service Quality (Y) both separately and simultaneously. So that the approach used by researchers is a correlational research approach with quantitative methods. The results showed that there was a significant influence of Web-Based Online New Student Admission Service Quality. So that this online New Student Admission application is used and utilized by prospective students, schools and education offices as a reference in the capacity and number of prospective new students. The influence of Web-Based Online New Student Admission on Service Quality at Junior High Schools in Purwakarta Regency is significant and its influence is relatively moderate. Practically speaking, the factor that causes its moderate influence between web based online New Student Admission on service quality is the lack of an optimal web basedew Student Admission system provided by the Education Office, especially in fulfilling features and also a less attractive and comprehensive appearance. And the achievement of the non-discrimination dimension provided by the department and schools is still relatively low.</p> Dede Supendi Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Taufani C Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 332 341 Research Learning Management Why is it Important? <p>This study aims to analyze the management of research learning at Islamic School Aceh province. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study explain that the management of research learning at Islamic School Aceh Province consists of several interconnected activities including: Planning carried out by establishing a research learning curriculum, maximum organization of coordination of the implementation of research learning activities, systematic control (direction) of learning research, and evaluating activities carried out by compiling indicators of program achievements that have been implemented. It was concluded that the role of research learning management at Islamic School Aceh Province is needed to produce quality students who are able to think scientifically empirically, can solve problems that exist in the surrounding environment.</p> Aishah Udin Syaefudin Sa'ud Danny Meirawan Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 342 346 ERP System for School Governance in Indonesia <p>This article has the purpose of showing an ERP system that carries out an integrated school governance process in exchanging data quickly and based on Indonesian national education standards (SNP - Standar Nasional Pendidikan). The method used in this research is the method of literature review. The results obtained are School ERP Information System Design based on SNP. Currently the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system has been widely used by various universities in Indonesia as information technology to facilitate integrated business management in each campus. The ERP system was originally used to support all ongoing operational activities of a company (starting from Human Resources, Inventory, Financials, Sales, Purchasing, and so on). Over time, the modules in the ERP system can be integrated into business processes in the Educational Sector. An ERP system that has various integrated and centralized modules and provides real-time information can be considered as one of the systems that can be used in school governance in Indonesia.</p> Josephine Halcynon Sinaga Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 347 350 Evaluation of Training Implementation Satisfaction Based on Important Performance Analysis <p>This study aims to evaluate the satisfaction of organizing training based on Important Performance Analysis (IPA). The research method used is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The research subjects were training participants. The results of the study show that the evaluation of the satisfaction of organizing training based on the Important Performance Analysis (IPA) is very good in the educative aspect (system), the aspect of facilities (facilities) and the aspect of service (HR). Recommendations in this study include the need for systematic efforts to encourage Community Satisfaction Index targets, namely by using the SERVQUAL approach, conceptually, high SERVQUAL achievement will affect consumer satisfaction and loyalty, carry out periodic curriculum reviews, asynchronous learning is one of the solutions to deal with limited lesson hours. , it is necessary to re-examine the evaluation instrument, especially the compatibility with the elements in the Community Satisfaction Index.</p> Taufani C Kurniatun Hertiyo Sembodo Ahmad Nasarudin Nurhadi Kusumo Putria Wardhani Sanfishdah Stepanus Wisnu Driyaskoro Muhamad Indra Adriawan Murtono Anwar Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 351 357 Strategic Planning for Developing New Study Programs Based on Competency Based Education <p>The main purpose of this research is to get an overview of the development of the opening of new study programs based on Competence Based Education (CBE)-based strategic planning in private universities, this is motivated by the phenomenon of study programs that lack students, and the number of graduates who are not absorbed by the world of work. and effort. The method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, a case study of best practice strategic planning at Telkom University. The process of collecting data through library research, documentation studies, interviews, and observations. The results show that the development of new study programs based on Competence Based Education (CBE), the development of new study programs is based on strengthening the management of higher education which is well projected and has a link in socioeconomic development that encourages a knowledge-based economy to innovate and entrepreneurship through collaboration and cooperation. between universities, government, industry, civil society, and social entrepreneurs. The formulation of the development model formulation is Research &amp; Entrepreneural Strategy &amp; Lingkage, applied in three major groups that form research &amp; entrepreneurial &amp; linkage namely (1) Creating Research &amp; Innovation, (2) Building Professional &amp; Entrepreneural Competency, and (3) Commercializing Research &amp; Development. Knowledge. This systematic hypothesis can be used for the development of new study programs based on strategic planning to strengthen higher education management in private universities..</p> Raskadi Nur Aedi Eka Prihatin Soemarto Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 358 366 Implementation of Teaching Campus Program Based on Communication Approach <p>This study aims to analyze and evaluate the implementation of campus teaching communication in study programs at the UPI Faculty of Education. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The technique used in collecting the necessary data was direct communication techniques (instruments) in the form of interview guides, documentation studies, observations and Focus Group Discussions (FGD), while indirect communication techniques used instruments in the form of questionnaires. The results of the study show that communication carried out in campus teaching programs uses various media and there are differences in the use of communication media used, the University represented by the Head of Study Program, Partners and Students tends to get information through digital media that is contemporary. Meanwhile for schools represented by the Principal, the information obtained tends to be traditional (by correspondence or face-to-face meetings)..</p> Elin Rosalin Taufani C Kurniatun Cicih Sutarsih Cepi Triatna Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 367 373 Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) TKQ Education Bogor District <p>Integrated Quality Management is a management approach that improves quality to match the quality standards of the community served in the general implementation and the community through continuous improvement of products, services, people, processes, and the environment. This study aims to determine how the implementation of integrated quality management (MMT) in Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 1 Limau Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach. using interview, observation, and documentation methods. Sources of data obtained are from school principals, teachers, committee heads, and school staff. The data obtained is then analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, data levers and draw conclusions. The results of this study indicate that in the Implementation of Integrated Quality Management (MMT) at Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 1 Limau Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, the implementation of integrated quality management has been carried out, such as the level of consistency in providing public services and the implementation of development to improve the quality of human resources continues to increase. In working, the impact of causing dissatisfaction and complaints from the community being served is decreasing, time discipline and work improvement is increasing, namely by understanding the rules of working hours and behaving at work, as well as complying with the regulations on how to do work and dealing with other work units has been going well, Control take place effectively from direct superiors through supervision that has been carried out properly through CCTV, waste of funds and work time can get solutions and improve skills and work skills continue to be carried out and forms of teacher/team collaboration running very well. And there are indicator points which in their implementation have not been carried out optimally, such as inventory including taking notes, and reporting activities have not been fully carried out to the fullest, because the management at the school is still in a better stage of improvement , but in the activities of making reports on school equipment it has been properly implemented, because every year there must be a report related to the foundation</p> Erna Kusumawati Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 374 377 Planning Based on Education Report Card Data to Improve the Quality of Education in Indonesia. <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the role of local governments and education units in improving the quality of education through educational planning using education report cards. This study used a qualitative approach with a document study. Data-based planning helps education units and local governments to make significant changes in the formulation of programs and activities. The data provided by the educational report card reflects existing conditions that consist of 5 dimensions.&nbsp; &nbsp;The Education Report Card can be used as the main reference in analyzing, planning and following up on improving the quality of education because the data presented is objective, reliable and integrated. In addition, the education report card also functions as a measurement instrument for comprehensive evaluation of the education system, both internally and externally, which is oriented towards quality and equity of learning outcomes. By identifying, reflecting and fixing it, the root causes of problems in improving the quality of education from the education unit level to the district level will be revealed. (<em>Abstract</em>)</p> Joko Setiyono Taufani C Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 378 382 Analysis of Interest to Participate in a Distance Master Program in Indonesia <p>This study aims to determine the interest in distance master education in Indonesia, which is related to how much market interest is in opening distance education programs and knowing which programs are of interest. The research was conducted using a survey method by distributing 1,328 questionnaires in the provinces of Aceh, Bali, Banten, Bengkulu, DKI Jakarta, Jambi, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Lampung, North Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Riau, West Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, West Sumatra, South Sumatra and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The results of the study show that the interest to take part in distance master education is very high.</p> Tita Rosita Tian Belawati Ojat Darojat Benny Agus Pribadi Aminudin Zuhairi Sendi Ramdhani Mujiono Copyright (c) 2023-04-04 2023-04-04 6 1 383 389 Internet of Thing in Japanese Educational Information and Communication Technology <p>The aim of this study is to understand Japanese education policies that have shifted from the "immobilist" period" to one of the education reforms that was highly politicized and influenced by the dynamics of global policy on the influence of systems for the development of information and communication technology. The method used is a case study in Japan that Japan needs to consider alternative incentive structures to maintain student and community commitments to IOT-based Education. The results obtained by using ICTs in education in Japan can perfect the communication system in the teaching learning process that really helps humans not only when using computer networks and satellites but also when they use traditional media. Why is the result so the reason because when using ICT equipment for class, students have the advantage that they receive more information in class. In addition, students can study on the Internet and improve the efficiency of lessons and get more information. This research can be used as an overview of how Japanese teachers and various professional development service providers are responding to the proposed Education reform by promoting technology.</p> Devy Yulistiawati Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Taufani C Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 6 1 390 394 Analysis of Elementary School Teachers Needs Based on Projection of Growth of School-Age Population in Sukabumi District in 2026 <p>This study aims to analyze the needs of teachers in Sukabumi Regency in 2026. The method used in this study is descriptive and projection methods. While the analysis of technical data carried out is by calculating the total population growth, projections of the school-age population, projections of study group needs, analysis of the condition of available teachers, and analysis of teacher needs. This study is an implementation of social demands on educational planning. Therefore, the results of this study will show the conditions and projections of residents in Sukabumi Regency as well as the condition of available teachers and projections of teacher needs in the future. Population growth in Sukabumi Regency is included in the slow category with a growth rate of 0.013%. Growth rates naturally affect educator projections. Based on the projection results, in 2026 the population in Sukabumi Regency will be 2,948,902 people, with a school-age population of 87,458 people. The number of school-age population will certainly affect the need for the number of study groups in Sukabumi Regency. In 2026, the total study group based on projected results is 10,727. This condition will certainly affect the number of teachers needed. At the end of 2026 the number of available teachers is 7,178 people. This condition indicates an increase in the need for teachers in Sukabumi Regency. Therefore, Sukabumi Regency requires the procurement of teachers who are in accordance with academic qualifications.</p> Khusyairin1 Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Taufani C Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 6 1 395 401 A New Direction of Educational Planning in the Digital Era <p>The purpose of this study is to find out a new direction for educational planning in the digital era because the times are increasingly advanced and lead to all-technology and information. The method used in this research is a literature study using qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study are that first, educational planning must formulate education broadly, and perfect formal and informal education planning, second, the formulation of educational planning must involve the community as much as possible. This is because in reality education cannot be separated from the whole life of society, in other words, it is part of the culture. This research refers to the rapidly changing times that require a new direction of educational planning for the process of making a map/route toward the desired academic future. This research can be used to formulate more detailed and clear educational planning so that Indonesian education can compete with developed countries, especially in Southeast Asia such as Singapore and Malaysia.</p> Fathurohman Copyright (c) 2023-04-05 2023-04-05 6 1 402 405 Development of Learning Supervision Model and Achievement Motivation to Increase Teacher Creativity in the Educational 4.0 Era <p>The aims of this study were&nbsp; to find out the relationship between learning supervision (X1) and achievement motivation (X2) on teacher creativity (Y), and find out the development of learning supervision model and strengthening achievement motivation and increasing teacher creativity in the educational 4.0 era.&nbsp; This research&nbsp; using survey methods with correlational techniques, and SITOREM (Scientific Identification Theory to Conduct Operation Research in Education Management) analysis (Hardhienata [26]) to develop learning supervision and strengthen achievement motivation to increase teacher creativity .This research was conducted in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency in April 2022, with a study population of 142, and there were 106 samples selected using proportional random sampling. The results obtained are as follows, namely: first, there is a significant positive relationship between the Learning Supervision variable (X1) and teacher creativity (Y). Second, there is a significant positive relationship between Achievement Motivation (X2) and teacher creativity (Y). Third, there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables of Learning Supervision (X1) and Achievement Motivation (X2) together with teacher creativity (Y). Fourt , find out the development of learning supervision model and strengthening achievement motivation and increasing teacher creativity in the educational 4.0 era.&nbsp; Based on these things, it can be concluded that teacher creativity can be improved through development learning supervision and strengthening achievement motivation.</p> Sutji Harijanto Sumardi Kamaludin Rizal Hariri Copyright (c) 2023-04-08 2023-04-08 6 1 406 412 Analysis of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS); Efforts to Improve the Quality of Education at SMP Negeri 1 Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya Regency <p>This article aim to design a strategy to improve the quality of education in facing global competition at SMP Negeri 1 Bandar Dua in Pidie Jaya. the researcher used a literature study, observation, and study documenaion. Some of the activities carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Bandar Dua, in the view of the author, should use three approaches to competitive strategies to become a superior school, namely cost advantage, differentiation and focus. Besides that, the selection of these activities is mostly based on talents and interests. The implementation of the Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) at SMP Negeri 1 Bandar Dua is: Instilling Skills in students by making batik training for SMP N 1 Bandar Dua students, Through the application of conducting Computer Based Examinations (UBK) starting from class VII, VIII and IX every semester exam. Developing students' Talents and Interests through OSN and O2SN classes.</p> Hamidah Sumarto Taufani C Kurniatun Copyright (c) 2023-04-08 2023-04-08 6 1 413 419 Strategy of the Principal in Post-Pandemi Covid-19 Educational Technology Adaptation <p>The strategy of school principals in Adapting Educational Technology to the Post-Covid19 Pandemic is a study of how school principals adapt from online learning patterns to limited offline learning. This strategy is needed so that the quality of education in schools is maintained. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, and the researcher was part of the instrument and the source of information for the respondents was taken from school principals at the UPI Pilot Laboratory High School. The discussion and research results found that the Principal of the UPI Pilot Laboratory High School used the Hybrid method, namely continuing to use the Learning Management System provided by the school, and limited face-to-face meetings.</p> Nurdin Irma Yunita Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 420 424 The Principal's Role As An Innovator in Improving Teacher Performance Motivation at Vocational Pembangunan National <p>This study aims to; (1) Examine the role of the principal as an innovator in increasing the motivation of teacher work in the National Development Vocational School. (2) Describe the efforts made by the principal to increase the motivation of teachers at SMK Pembangunan National. (3) Describe the results of the efforts made by the principal in increasing the motivation of teacher work at the National Development Vocational School. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were principals and teachers at Vocational Pembangunan Nasioal. The steps set as the object of research are; (1) how the principal's role in increasing motivation. (2) how is the teacher's employment policy. (3) what is the role of the chief secretariat as an innovator. The results obtained in this study are that educators (teachers) at Vocational Pembangunan National have strengths and weaknesses in their performance. The efforts made by the principal of Vocational Pebangunan National to increase the motivation for teacher performance are; (a) Follow the rules applied by the leader, namely as the principal of the National Development Vocational School, (b) Streamline Training Using Technology, (c) Streamline Plateboarding Activities to Solve Problems in Material Mastery, (d) Physical Environment Regulation</p> Hamidah D Yuniarto Mudjisusatyo Sukarman Purba Rosmala Dewi Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 425 428 An Analysis Of Recruitment And Selection Processes In Obtaining Quality Human Resources In The Digital Era In High School <p>This study aims to provide an overview of the process of implementing recruitment and selection at Dear Technology Hamid Pekan Baru High School and MA Darul Hikmah Bojongsoang and the similarities and differences. The method used in this study is qualitative with data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The sample of this research is the principals of the two schools. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the recruitment and selection of Dear Technology Hamid Pekan Baru High School and MA Darul Hikmah Bojongsoang have similarities, namely starting from the planning, position marketing, selection, acceptance, and evaluation stages. The difference in the implementation of recruitment and selection in the two schools is the additional media used in marketing positions, this research can be used as a guideline or description for schools to carry out the recruitment and selection process. Recruitment and selection processes are very important for schools in obtaining resources qualified human resources (HR) or obtaining competent teachers, especially in the digital era. Success in the school recruitment and selection process will have an impact on school development, teacher performance, and productivity.</p> Nahdah Nasya Sahirah Eka Prihatin Diding Nurdin Yayah Rahyasih Rina Sya'diyyah Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 429 434 Educational Leadership in Higher Education in the Era of Human Intellectual Capital <p>The purpose of this study is to describe educational leadership in tertiary institutions in the 21st century, which emphasizes human intellectual capital. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative, with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. This research was conducted at the Library and Information Science Study Program (Perpusinfo) at the Indonesian University of Education. The source of the research data was lecturers at the library and information science study program. The results of this study concluded that in order to create human resources capable of becoming intellectual capital with innovation and adaptive attributes to inherent technology, it is necessary to adjust the management of higher education institutions through visionary educational leadership so that policies can be made that encourage creativity and innovation. and human resources. collaborative in facing the industrial revolution. 4.0. This research can be used in changing work methods that focus on data management, industrial work systems through advances in technology, communication, and increasing work efficiency related to human interaction, as well as prioritizing human intellectual capacity as the main capital in advancing education in higher education..</p> Siti Nuraeni Linda Setiawati Diding Nurdin Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 435 439 Implementation of Educational Learning Process Standards at Mutiara Insani Middle School Science, Purwakarta <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the level of conformity in the implementation of standard learning processes. The success of standard education learning processes is one of the efforts to fulfill the quality of education which will be very influential, thus it is necessary to have continuous implementation with the aim of standard processes carried out in schools in accordance with the provisions of theRegulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and TechnologyNo. 16 of 2022. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that the implementation of the Education Learning Process Standards at SMP Science Mutiara Insani Purwakarta is quite optimal because the learning programs are collaborated and modified with psychological aspects.Intellectual Quotient,Emotional Intelligence, andSpiritual Intelligenceso that effective, innovative and fun learning can be created. The results obtained because education learning activities refer to standard processes for improving the quality of education.</p> Rika Aryanti Diding Nurdin Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 440 444 Analysis of Smart Card Implementation at School <p>This research aims to show the results of educational planning in digital era in the form of implementing Smart Card and using school application that implemented at a Madrasah Aliyah in Kabupaten Bandung. Methods in this research is qualitative descriptive. In addition to making observations, the researcher also conducted interviews with the principal and gave questionnaires to teachers about the preparation and implementation of Smart Card in that school. The findings show that the demands of the digital era for education in that high school have not been fully implemented yet, both by school residents or local communities who have various obstacles. Obstacles that founded include the unavailability of human resources that focus on managing Smart Card system in school, parents who don’t understand the Smart Card system, parents who don’t have smartphone/gadget to acces the system, and the absence of internet acces at parent’s house. This research can be used as information and examples of cases that occur in the implementation of technology in the digital era.</p> Rahmadani Roudotul Janah Diding Nurdin Eka Prihatin Copyright (c) 2023-04-09 2023-04-09 6 1 445 448 The Effect of School Principal Leadership, Teacher Professionalism, Work Culture, and the Utilization of Information Technology on the Capacity of SMK in DKI Jakarta <p>The influence of the principal's leadership is one of the main factors needed in improving the quality of Vocational High Schools (SMK). The purpose of the study was to determine how much influence the principal's leadership, teacher professionalism, work culture, and the use of information technology had on the capacity of SMK in DKI Jakarta. Methods This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a survey method. The results achieved show that principals who use information technology in their leadership will be able to improve the quality of teachers in implementing work in vocational schools. Implementation of information technology is very necessary to improve the quality of vocational education</p> Evitha Soraya Unifah Rosidi Rugaiyah Copyright (c) 2023-04-10 2023-04-10 6 1 449 460 Management of the Kampoeng Batara Traditional School, Papring, East Java <p><em>Abstract</em>— The research aims to provide quality education for the indigenous community by conducting an analysis of planning related to students, curriculum, education funding, educational facilities, and school-community relations in order to provide guidance and recommendations that can improve the quality of education in the traditional schools of Batara Papring Village, East Java. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a case study method, employing data collection techniques involving observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data obtained are comprehensively analyzed to understand the current situation and evaluate aspects that need improvement in educational planning in the traditional schools of Batara Papring Village, East Java. The analysis results indicate several challenges in the management of the traditional schools, particularly in educational planning. Firstly, the limited number of students and the variation in individual educational needs require careful attention in curriculum planning. Secondly, limited education funding constrains the ability of the traditional schools to provide adequate facilities and resources. Thirdly, existing educational facilities need to be renovated and enhanced to create a more effective learning environment. Based on the analysis results, several recommendations have been proposed. Firstly, a curriculum review is necessary, considering the current educational needs and trends as well as the students' needs. Secondly, efforts should be made to seek additional funding sources through partnerships with external parties, social funds, or donation programs. Thirdly, investment is needed to improve and enhance educational facilities, such as adding infrastructure. This research contributes significantly to the educational planning in the traditional schools of Batara Papring Village. The proposed recommendations are expected to enhance the quality of education, create a better learning environment, and improve educational accessibility for students in the traditional schools of Batara Papring Village, East Java</p> Rusmita Sarkadi Rugaiyah Copyright (c) 2023-03-10 2023-03-10 6 1 461 466