Islamic Boarding School Research Trends: Bibliometric Analysis Based on Scopus Data with VOS Viewer Visualization

  • Zaini Hafidh Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Silmi Amrullah STAI Al-Falah
  • Ayit Irpani STAI Al-Falah
Keywords: component; Bibliometric Analysis; Islamic Boarding School Research Trends; Vos Viewer


This research aims to analyze scientific articles on the theme of Islamic boarding schools. This research analysis uses a bibliometric approach using VosViewer, a Scopus data-based article reference with the publish or publish application. 76 articles were found that were considered relevant to related topics, and the research period used was from 2018 to 2023. The research results are focused on finding and analyzing the development of research topics and themes regarding Islamic boarding schools and other data analyses. Keywords Islamic boarding schools are associated with 441 links with a total link strength of 468. According to the results of the analysis of publication developments in the 2018–2023 period, research on Islamic boarding schools tends to be popular and is widely carried out by researchers. The highest number of publications in 2021 was 19 articles, and the least in 18 was 6 articles. Research trends on Islamic boarding schools tend to be more diverse, consisting of topics about social culture, character education, social culture, leadership, religious moderation, and learning in Islamic boarding schools. This study can be a starting point for research related to further research regarding research in Islamic boarding schools and other research developments related to the world of Islamic boarding schools at large, because research on Islamic boarding schools today is not only about institutions, kiai leadership, santri, and learning, but is broader and covers all aspects that are part of Islamic boarding schools broadly. 
