Quickly Solving Student Problems: The Implementation of Servant Leadership Through the Student Character Building Program in Elementary School

  • Furqon Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Student problem-solving, servant leadership, character building, the role of the teacher


This research aims to provide solutions to school institutions to solve student problems quickly. The proposed solution is to implement the Teacher Servant Leadership Approach through the Student Character Building Program. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods, the data collection techniques used are interviews and observations, and the data analysis technique is triangulation. The findings of this study reveal how to implement Servant Leadership through the student character development program at school and how this program can solve student problems. By paying intensive attention to students, teachers can create an environment where students feel free to talk about their problems, thus enabling faster solutions. The impact of Servant Leadership through the student character development program is that it can benefit students by preventing problems, solving existing problems, and planning follow-up.
