A New Direction of Educational Planning in the Digital Era

  • Fathurohman Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: educational planning, digital era


The purpose of this study is to find out a new direction for educational planning in the digital era because the times are increasingly advanced and lead to all-technology and information. The method used in this research is a literature study using qualitative analysis methods. The results of this study are that first, educational planning must formulate education broadly, and perfect formal and informal education planning, second, the formulation of educational planning must involve the community as much as possible. This is because in reality education cannot be separated from the whole life of society, in other words, it is part of the culture. This research refers to the rapidly changing times that require a new direction of educational planning for the process of making a map/route toward the desired academic future. This research can be used to formulate more detailed and clear educational planning so that Indonesian education can compete with developed countries, especially in Southeast Asia such as Singapore and Malaysia.
