The Role of Transformational Leadership on Improving the Quality of Institutional Accreditation Management in Private Higher Education Organizations

  • Arip Amin University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Diding Nurdin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Johar Permana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: transformational leadership, quality of institutional accreditation management


Transformational leadership is the leadership styles with a behavioral approach and the ability of the leader to inspire the followers for working well and producing the best performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe transformational leadership styles to create organizational health in an effort to improve the quality of accreditation management. This research method is a qualitative approach with a literature review design through the process of collecting relevant research literature, getiing important points and their relevance to the concept of research problems, then conducting an in-depth analysis by compiling discussions and conclusions from the results of the analysis. The results of the study explained that transformational leadership style is predicted to improve the quality of accreditation of higher education institutions through the health of higher education organizations. The method used is through the application of transformational leadership characteristics; idealization of influence, individual consideration, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation. This study is expected to make a real contribution to improving the quality of private higher education accreditation management through the application of a transformational leadership style.
