Meta-Analysis of Principal Leadership and Job Satisfaction on Honorer Administrative Performance

  • Neti Karniati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Unifah Rosyidi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Suryadi Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Chyta Anindhyta Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Keywords: leadership, disruption, digital.


This research was conducted to determine the effect of leadership and motivation on honorary school administrative staff. The time spent during research activities was carried out for nine months, starting from February to October 2022. The data analysis used was a literature review. The findings from the study that there is a principal's leadership style have a positive and significant effect on the job satisfaction of honorary school administration employees. This is because the ability of the school principal's management to make a significant contribution to administrative staff services and high work motivation will have a positive effect on job satisfaction where honor school managers play an important role in an educational institution, they must have the awareness to motivate themselves in carrying out tasks so that the desired goals can be achieved optimally. This research can be used as a basis for reference for future empirical research on school leadership and job satisfaction variables on the performance of honorary administrative staff.
