Leadership Strategies For Strengthening DigitalBased of School Manageme

  • Ade Manadin University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Diding Nurdin University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Eka Prihatin University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: leadership strategy, school management, digitalbased school management


This research examines the important role of leadership strategy in strengthening digital-based school management through the establishment and development of the SMSBK (an Excellence-Based School Management System) program. A descriptive qualitative method with a participatory approach was used to practice leadership strategies in establishing the SMSBK program at three target schools in Garut Regency, namely Pembina State Kindergarten, SDN (State Elementary School) 1 Gentra Masekdas, and SMPN (State Junior High School) 1 Tarogong Kaler. The results of this study produced several leadership strategies in strengthening digital-based school management: (1) gathering support and collaboration of stakeholders; (2) participative communication and involvement; (3) change management strategy and time management; (4) delegation of authority and decisions; (5) empowerment and optimization of resources; and (6) inherent supervision. These six strategies effectively strengthen digital-based school management. Technological developments in the industrial era 4.0 have connected various aspects of life, the education is not spared from this. Educational technology is a necessity for accelerating school management in order to realize higher quality education. So, in this case the role of the leader as an educational transformer must be able to direct the school to a better form of management than before. As a recommendation for this research, the involvement of supervisors, parents and school committees needs to be increased in order to implement more effective digital-based school management
