Leadership Strategies in Overcoming Leadership Stress in Higher Education (Case Study on University Darul Falah Bandung Barat)

  • Gilang Gumilang Dawous University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Nugraha Suharto University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Abdul Munim Amaly STAI Darul Falah
  • Murhayana STAI Darul Falah
Keywords: stress leadership, higher education


Stress happens to everyone in their life. Stress occurs wherever they are and whenever they do. Stress inevitably occurs, but we can manage that stress into good stress so as not to become fatal stress on ourselves. Leaders in colleges are responsible for managing stress under their authority. If stress occurs in lecturers, students and lower-level leaders, it will be a stress burnout. College leaders must be responsible to ensure that their organizations can run healthily and meet quality academic services. Then a special strategy is needed in dealing with stress. The purpose this article is to identify the types of stress that occur to leaders at the study program level, supporting elements and main leaders at university Darul Falah. The research method used is a case study. The participants in this study were the main leaders, support/unit leaders, and study program leaders within university Darul Falah. In this case, the stress that occurs in the university Darul Falah environment is mostly in the aspect of workload, especially those related to time management and policy making which can lead to pros and cons. Leaders have their respective duties and roles in accordance with the task structure and governance of an institution. Leaders have a workload in accordance with the level of policy that must be decided. In making decisions, the leadership is charged with formulating and determining strategies that can be accepted by all parties in carrying out the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Thus, every leader must be able to overcome his stress first so as not to spread to other aspects. Then it is necessary to develop a healthy work culture with collaborative and active discussion to minimize the onset of stress in providing academic services.
