Teacher Efforts and Parent Involvement in Improving Student Arabic Student Learning Motivation (Case Study on Blended Learning Method at Islamic Boarding School Persis Tarogong, Garut)

  • Dina Qurotun Nisa University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher performance, parental involvement, learning motivation


This study aims to describe teacher performance, parental involvement and motivation to learn Arabic online and offline in a modern Islamic boarding school. The methodology used is qualitative which is presented in a descriptive form. The results of the analysis show that teacher performance during a pandemic and post-pandemic shows different treatment. When online, the teacher's performance becomes more extra but in reality it becomes less optimal while after going online it can be more organized. This can also be seen from the responses of a number of students regarding their motivation to learn Arabic so far. As for the parents, there was a positive response which mostly provided motivation for their children's study period so that whatever the circumstances, the target of modern pesantren is to foster Tafaqquh-Fiddin people , where one of them is students who are able to use Arabic can be realized according to what has been planned.
