School Leadership to Encounter Society 5.0: The School Leaders Strategies

  • Bella Iaskyana
Keywords: educational leadership, education in society 5.0, school leader strategies


The transformation of education in society 5.0 has become a challenge faced by school leaders, the sudden change pushes leaders to find the best solution to maintain the existence of their school. This article aims to provide the possible strategies for school leaders to use to encounter society 5.0. Society 5.0 can be defined as the new era of social balance with a human-centered integration with cyberspace and physical space. Best believes that advanced technology serves as a catalyst to achieve the nation's education goals. School leaders have the role of driving and directing the school to step forward to face society 5.0 using advanced technology and effective leadership. Effective leadership is supported by the right decision-making and efficient strategies. The writer obtains some strategies through works of a literature review from relevant sources. This article set out five strategies that can be used by school leaders to encounter society 5.0; leadership roles, curriculum development strategies, educator empowerment strategies, relationship & partnership development strategies, and school management & school entrepreneurship development strategies
