The Implementation of Academic Supervison and Teacher Development to Improve Teachers’ Competencies

  • Dea Elisa Afifah University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Sururi University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: academic supervision, teacher development, teacher' competencies


This study purposes to find out the implementation of academic supervision and teacher development activities in order to improve teacher’s competencies in the school. This study conducted in SMAN 1 Subang and used qualitative research with descriptive method. To obtain data, the researcher employed in the depth interview, and the documentation to the school principal and teacher for collecting the data. The result showed that academic supervision activities at SMAN 1 Subang are consisting in three stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation/RTL (follow-up plan) which are carried out every semester. The teacher development activities carried out by the school. In improving the quality of teachers at SMAN 1 Subang are IHT, workshops and educational seminars, and support the teacher career. The conclusion of this research is teacher development activities and academic supervision is needed for teachers in improving their competencies.
