Principal Leadership Style in The Digital Age

  • Prajna Hewu Wau Pamalungan University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Eka Prihatin University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Diding Nurdin University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Rofahiyatul Aisy University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: digital age, leadership style


Education leadership is the key to effective education implementation. In the digital era, principals who are leaders in schools must be able to create schools that can produce quality graduates according to existing developments. The purpose of this article is to find out the appropriate leadership style of the principal to be used in the digital era and the method used is to conduct a literature study where the study material uses data collected from scientific papers or library materials as the object of this research. Based on the research results, principals have a big challenge in creating schools that can produce quality graduates in the digital era. The principal must also be able to develop innovative creative ideas in carrying out their duties and abilities as a leader. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is from the various challenges of the digital era that the principal must face as a leader. The leadership style used in the digital era can provide a sense of comfort, but in general the more dominant is a democratic and transformational leadership style.
