Implementation of School Governance Based on the Character of Pancasila Student Profile in Elementary School Students

  • Imelda Anandiya Putri University Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Diding Nurdin University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: school governance, character, pancasila student profile


This study intends to examine the implementation of school governance based on the Pancasila Student Profile character at SDN 003 Pagarsih. This research used a qualitative descriptive method using a case study approach. Data were collected through observations and interviews with principals and teachers, as well as a survey with a Likert scale given to 100 student respondents in grades 3, 4 and 5. The results of the study indicate that school governance based on the Pancasila student profile character is a planned and structured joint movement process to instill Pancasila values through the Pancasila student character which is the basis for students to choose their actions or judge something meaningful or meaningless for life. School Governance based on the Pancasila Student Profile is implemented through aspects of planning, implementation, and assessment. The governance of character development planning is carried out through the introduction of each character in the Pancasila Student Profile and preparation for daily activities through habituation and insertion into the learning process. Implementation governance is carried out through character planting in every activity. Assessment governance is carried out through character development in students by using attitude assessment during daily activities and the learning process.
