Pedagogic Study Regarding the Role of Digital Learning Media in the Learning Process during Pandemic

  • Bregas Deandro Asmoro
  • Cepi Triatna University Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Digital learning media, pandemic, learning process


This study aims to analyze how digital learning media play a role in the development of early childhood education program (PAUD) students during a pandemic when teaching and learning conditions change. This type of research is qualitative, and the method used in this research is descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the role of digital learning media in PAUD helps daily learning activities while playing. In addition, school programs that are usually offline can be adapted to go online with various available digital learning media. The teacher's pedagogical competence, in this case the digital pedagogy approach, also has a major influence on whether the use of technology can provide optimal service for students. By providing good digital learning media and teachers with good pedagogic competence, distance learning during a pandemic is not a problem for continuing to provide meaningful learning for students so that the learning process while playing at the PAUD level is carried out in an interesting and fun way. This research can be used later as a guide if an institution providing educational services, especially PAUD, faces a condition where teaching and learning activities must be carried out online.
