Post-Training Evaluation in Financial Sector

  • Taufani C Kurniatun Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • R.J. Catherine I. Sihombing Management Competency Development Center Ministry of PUPR
  • Leny Guswati Management Competency Development Center Ministry of PUPR
Keywords: Post-Training Evaluation, Finance


This research aims to analyze post-training evaluations in the financial sector. The research used a quantitative method with data processing by using Google Form which is given to 89 training alumni, 37 direct supervisors, and 78 colleagues. The results showed that the behavioral change in the workplace in the Alumni Training responses was excellent, with an average of 86.59%, while the perception of Direct Superiors rated Training Alumni showed behavioral changes of 91.47% and finally, colleagues’ perception of alumni assessment of training in the workplace on behavioral changes was considered very good, namely, the average assessment reached 92.74%. It means, overall with the results or impact after participating in financial training, it has an impact on improving behavior positively in the workplace.
