LEARNING MANAGEMENT (Lecturer Leadership Factor Relationship Analysis, Class Organizational ClimateAnd Its Relationship With Student Behavior In The Learning ProcessAt the Islamic High School (STAI) Al-Jawami Bandung)

  • Maman Nurjaman Indonesian University of Education
Keywords: Learnin Management, Lecturer Leadership, Student Behavior


The implementation of a good learning process requires several requirements. In addition to the availability of facilities and infrastructure that can support the smooth running of the process, other determining factors are the leadership factor of the lecturers themselves and the creation and availability of a conducive climate, to support the smooth learning process. Effective leadership efforts are needed to direct, mobilize and control the implementation of organizational tasks (Classes) so that the learning process carried out can be effective and directed to achieve the goals that have been set. This study is intended to obtain an empirical picture of lecturer leadership. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as a data collection tool that has been tested for validity and reliability. Based on the results of the Chi-Square test calculation, it is known that the data distribution of the three variables studied is normal and linear. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that the relationship between lecturer leadership and classroom organizational climate with student behavior in the learning process obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.778 which is included in the very strong category. In connection with the findings in this study, in order to improve student behavior in the learning process and or create a conducive classroom organizational climate, lecturers should try to apply situational leadership behavior. To achieve this, lecturers need to improve their knowledge and skills about leadership, both formally implemented by the institution and informally on the lecturer's initiative personally. Likewise, creating a classroom organizational climate that allows students to learn in a fun, active, creative and innovative way. Hopefully the results of this research can provide benefits for improving the quality of education in general and the teaching and learning process in particular
