Spiritual Leadership System of Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School in Developing Quality of Education at SMK Plus YSB Suryalaya Tasikmalaya

  • Bela Elqaweliya SMK Plus YSB Suryalaya
Keywords: Spiritual leadership, character education, quality culture


This paper aims to obtain information about the efforts of spiritual leadership in developing a quality culture and the reality of the developed quality culture. research problems; 1) spiritual leadership characteristics; 2) spiritual leadership efforts in developing a quality culture that includes the articulation of the vision, mission and goals of education in schools. 3) the reality of the basic quality values developed in the Vocational School plus the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Tasikmalaya. Spiritual leadership is leadership that integrates the worldly dimension with the divine world. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. This research is a single case study, focusing on the private school SMK Plus YSB Suryalaya under the auspices of the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School Tasikmalaya Foundation. Primary data were obtained from primary sources, namely principals, teachers, education staff, students and parents. Secondary data in the form of qualitative documents such as dissertations, journals, documents and other supporting sources and data. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, non-participant observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses integrative analysis, in which the data that has been collected is analyzed using three methods, namely, data organization, data reduction and data presentation. To check the validity of the data using; credibility of the data with triangulation techniques, dependability and confirmability. The results of this study indicate that the efforts made by spiritual leadership in developing a quality culture are: 1) Articulation and socialization of the school's vision and mission are carried out quite intensely, 2) Tanbih Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya as a guide, guide, guide in the implementation of the vision and mission of the Suryalaya Islamic boarding school based on religion and state 3) the pattern of character building education in the quality of education, namely the character values taught by the Suryalaya Islamic boarding school. 4) the relationships that occur in schools are social, emotional and spiritual relationships. The realities of the quality culture developed are: 1), a culture of empathy, 2) a critical culture, 3) an innovative culture, and 4) a mutual cooperation culture.
