The Preperation of University In Implementing Independent Learning and Independent Campus (The Case Study at Adzkia University)

  • Adriantoni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fakry Gaffar Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: University, Policy, MBKM


This study aims to determine program policies, planning and management as well as the role of higher education leadership in implementing an independent learning policy on an independent campus both in terms of programs, human resources and infrastructure. The approach of this study was Qualitative, and the collecting of the data used interviews, observation, and documentation. The analysis of the data used triangulation data. It was used to get validity and detailed information of the data. The result of the study got from the program aspects that had been implemented. They were a teacher and teaching training programs. It found that there were fewer human resources and infrastructure in implementing Independent learning and Independent campus policy (MBKM)
