Leadership Style School Principal in improving Teacher Performance in The New NormalEra (Case Study of SIT Fajar Hidayah Primary School, Kota Wisata Cibubur)

  • Nabila Azhar Zakiah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Style of Leadership, Principles, Teacher Performance, New Normal Era


This research aimed to describe school principal’s leadership style in improving teacher performance in the new normal era. A leader is an important role in the goals to be achieved, as well as improvingthe quality of school education is  determinedby the ability of the principal in leading and also the teaching staff and students. The dataobtained by the authors by conducting field observations and conducting in depth interviews with sources related to the principal’s leadership style in improving teacher performance in the new normal era atSIT Fajar Hidayah Elementary School. The purpose of this research was to obtain data about (1) knowing the steps taken by school principals in increasing teacher professionalism in preparing for the new normal era learning after the pandemic passed. (2) Constraint the principals inimproving teacher performance. This study shows that (1) The principal applies transformational leadership style, theprincipal holds training activities for teacher and improving skills like learn about Al- Qur’an, knowledge about counseling, etc. (2)Constraint the school principals are the decline in teacher discipline, lack of motivation for teacher performance and a low sense of
teacher responsibility in learning. The implication of the research is that the principal’s leadership style in improving teacher in the new normal area needs to be improved to improve the quality of education at SIT Fajar Hidayah
Elementary School, so that it has an impact on the productivity of student learning outcomes.
